Today: Albina White
lives at number 4 of Avenida Sim. Has twenty-eight, is single and works as an actress in low-budget films. Comes from a wealthy family, dedicated to the export of manufactured products, cork, made in Indonesia by minors working fourteen hours a day earning cents. Albina not very familiar with the functioning of the family business (after all, she is devoted to something completely different), however, gave us a very nice interview on one of the breaks of his new film, "Attack of the artichokes mutants from outer space, "directed by Piotr Savarovsky.
FEDE: How about life in the neighborhood of the Sims? I guess for a celebrity like you must be important to find a quiet place with privacy ...
ALBINA: Type, yes, the truth is important to re-find a place to live tranqui super. Y, type, Sims neighborhood is re-tranqui, type anything. The neighbors all live in their homes and the houses are next to each other ... Wow! Type is brilliant.
FEDE: Em ... yes, usually consisting neighborhoods as well. What do you think about the neighbors? How do you deal?
ALBINA: Type anything, the neighbors are people re-well. Come to my house at any time and touch the bell and bring me cups sugar cookies. I eat because I can not type, I'm on a diet, but I give my dog \u200b\u200bthat lives in the garden that I have behind my house, type anything. I have a friend who always brings me cookies and then I know I give the dog and she looks at me weird like face, do not know ...
FEDE: Must be a very good friend to continue bringing you cookies if you always give the dog the ...
ALBINA: Type, sorry, do not understand the question ...
FEDE: Do not worry. Let's talk a little about your work. How is your character in the new film Savarovsky?
ALBINA: Type, is re-well. I appear in the first scene in the shower, and kind, a giant monster appears not really know what kind it is and I have to scream and run and in the second scene I'm running and screaming as the monster chasing me and such, do not know why but in the middle of the movie going to a party and kill all my friends and type the monster appears again and type I want to kill, but I scream and I run and type like this until the end when the monster was actually my boyfriend or something, you know?
FEDE: Yes .. understand. It is certainly a very interesting role.
ALBINA: Yeah, kind, is re-good, because almost no type I have to talk, I have only running and screaming, kind and take off my clothes in some scenes ...
FEDE: Yes, I guess. It is not the same as playing a role in a Shakespeare play, right?
ALBINA: Type, from whom? Who is Yekspir?
FEDE: Shakespeare. No matter, it was a guy who wrote plays. Died long ago.
ALBINA: Ah ... and type, did you meet?
FEDE: No, not really had the pleasure. Returning to the film is the third time that you Savarovsky calls for a role. It seems they are a good team ...
ALBINA: Type yes, before I appeared in "The fern psychopath" and "Four secretaries against employers zombies."
FEDE: Yes, I saw both films. Really masterpieces. Especially the second.
ALBINA: Yeah, kind, can you believe that the other day I saw on TV? The gave the two o'clock on channel Venus.
FEDE: Only pass in this time and in that channel.
FEDE: Well, because ... is very complicated. No matter. What's it like working with a renowned director in the adult film ... ahem, excuse me, horror films?
ALBINA: It kind, re-exciting. The movies are kind, original and re-re-fun. I do not understand is why I have always appear in underwear ... but no matter, the director says it is to accentuate the artistic aspect of the wonders of the human body ... or something. I really do not understand very well, but acting in movies is re-good type thing.
FEDE: It's great to enjoy both your work. Tell me, what are your plans for later?
ALBINA: Type nothing, for I am with this movie, what type, will be the most. Then I think I will act in another called "Fun in the camp", or something. Type, yet I'm not sure what the role, but I think it will be re-good type thing.
FEDE: Well ... I'm glad. And we hope to see you soon in another of your movies. Thank you very much for your time, Albina.
ALBINA: Type, nothing, no problem, type anything. Type ... Well, I have to go. We have to shoot the last scene of the movie. I have to remove the clothes and scream when the monster appears, and then run away while he kills them all ... Type, I think that scene and I did before.
FEDE: Yes, I'm sure. Thank you very much.
We leave the film studio soon after, convinced that the new film by Albina White's gonna be a blockbuster.