Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does Vesa Mean On A Tv

analysis of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers

My rating: 8 / 10

This is, in my opinion, one of the best adventures released by Sierra On Line . Created by Jane Jensen great, it is not easy and not an adventure soon, and certainly not for the newcomers to the world of adventure games. It has a compelling story, defined characters, clever puzzles, well-constructed dialogue. It is all the "realistic" one would expect from an adventure game. A true adventure game with full (in block capitals).

As mentioned, the story is compelling: we could say that it is a supernatural suspense thriller, which would be the envy of any Hollywood screenwriter, or any style writer Stephen King or Dean R. Koontz. The good thing about the story is reinforced by the characters and not only by the protagonist, Gabriel Knight. They are not mere puppets animated idiots repeat phrases over and over again, but almost look like actors play their part. To make matters worse, the game features the voices of real actors. Without going any further, the manager to give voice to Gabriel is Tim Curry, the famous British actor (who will charge quite a reputation thanks to the interpretation of the evil clown Pennywise, for the film It, based on the best-selling Stephen King).

Another important aspect, of course, are the animations, which added to the voices and dialogue, make the game even better. I refer not only to the animation sequences (which are many and very well done), I mean the movements of the characters during the game. For example, Gabriel can remove a shirt, scratching his head, rising to dance with a psychic, hugs her grandmother, etc., a fluent and convincing. Not limited to raising an arm every time you have to do something, things do not magically appear in the inventory when we get them, without the character moving a finger.

And since I mention the animation is a good time to talk about the graphics. They're all good you would expect from a game that dates back to 1993. Needless to say, compared with the current game graphics do not seem a big deal, but it would make a similar comparison turpitude. For those who do not know, let me say that it is as good as Monkey Island 2, but in a realistic style. The first drawings of the characters are made when we started a conversation, are wonderful. And even move his mouth when speaking. Mention this in the XXI century, it might sound silly, but we must not forget that we are talking about a game that has already eighteen.

The dialogues are a feature that is given much importance in this game. It is not just a rigid exchange phrases. We can start real conversations with every character, and we always have many options for dialogue and sometimes we need to do the same question twice for the information we want ... As in real life! Each character has its history, its own "biography" and we can meet with just ask.

As for the sound, sound effects (open a door, moving furniture), saying simply that they are good enough. Fulfill their mission. Most notable, perhaps, is the music, not to mention, of course, vocals. Each scenario has its own soundtrack. Some are happy, others sad, but the truth is that sometimes they can become monotonous if we take too long in one place.

The "playability" something very important in any adventure, is quite comfortable. Sierra typical of the icon bar at the top of the screen that appears when you drag the cursor there, but in a slightly different format, with the icons and grouped small action in one sector, and also adorned face of a lion and a serpent at each end. While, yes, the icons may be a bit confusing at first. For example, the icon to "open" is a little door. This would suggest that only serves to open doors, but also serves to open boxes, chests, etc.

Well, now that I have finished all the positive aspects of the game, I think it is to talk about the negatives that make Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers, not a perfect adventure, for this brief and imperfect analysis is as fair as possible.

For starters, the most important negative aspect: we run the risk of dying. This is the worst thing that can have an adventure game, the possibility that we might die if we make a mistake or if we do something in time to save our lives. It is so frustrating as frustrating and often ends up being a reason why the player gets tired and decides to leave without having completed the adventure. "Death is fun, "as Ron would say Gilbert great and that is something that should be applied to any adventure game.

Another feature that can be taken as "against" is the excessive difficulty of the game. It takes lots of patience and dedication to reach the final. This is not a game that finished in half an hour, and if you spend just a few minutes per day, may take several finishing. As mentioned at the outset, it may not be an adventure highly recommended for newbies (especially if we consider the possibility of dying), but rather for experienced players with enough nerve Tanned and puzzles to tackle complex situations.

Finally, a negative aspect totally personal and subjective, which is also a common factor in all the Sierra adventures: the fact that win points per puzzle solved. I just do not like to win points as I'm playing an adventure. If you want to win points, I get to play Pac Man or Space Invaders. I think the score is something that in some way, "kill" the illusion of playing an adventure game, although it may serve to indicate that we are moving and doing things right. But personally, I feel a bit like a dog to give him a cookie for doing a trick. As I said, is a negative point entirely personal and subjective, it should not be taken into account by those who do not share my humble opinion.

To finish: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is an excellent adventure. Very well told, very entertaining and interesting. For real thrill seekers, this is a true relic, reminiscent of the best adventures of old and makes you want to take back games as well. Which perhaps is asking too much.

Note: This brief analysis can also be read in .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hymen Bleeding Meaning

Personal Journal (Excerpts)

- I want to achieve maximum clarity. But above all, I keep my soul in the heart of the mystery. Pervade the only Reality is always forgotten, make my particular soul, a cosmic soul.

- All this seems to me so clear, consistent, calculated, which gives me vertigo. Just the facts, findings. None of survival, morality, lyricism, or metaphysics. Only a clear statement on which I stand. I watch the sun instead of distracting as enlightening. Contemplation very naked, liberating.

- The spirit is listening, lying to something that is no object. There receptivity, waiting for something that grows in the most secret of being. Reality that is so subtle senses almost only perceived by contrast, when one relaxes.
can be more or less far from the scope of representation. And stress can be more or less intense. Is there as a very secret way you know that can take you far away in the hidden center of reality, and to lose track of the smallest, without even realizing it. When I can follow no wonder you feel like a failure as a sense of failure, as when one is hungry or when you feel the insecurity of the high mountains. There is something about yourself that is as dissatisfied. But even love the feeling of dissatisfaction. Return to it as if sensing an unseen wealth in such poverty. And laziness that allows you to put the effort necessary to feel like a betrayal caused by his own weakness. I'm sure what causes this discomfort is the lack of custom. That if I devote myself to it every day regularly and patience will achieve overcome inertia and become more fluent. I must.

- Again I could feel the emptiness of "God." Going to lead to something as immediate. Desires, projects, ideas, images, like mounds that hid the horizon. And now, on top of the mountain, "reached by what leap hidden?
love the action, including the burning of the search, you leave the edge. You could sense the "other country" without being in it. But he reaches a few moments. The question "Who are you? What's That?" has helped me, away from paying too much attention to the sensations. My feeling of guilt also: making "flee to there."
Night. Peace. Silence. An absence delicious.

- Yesterday something changed, I believe, I felt as connected to the essence of reality, an unknown substance, formless reality, however, quite real. Nothing was known and I, however, that peace came over me subtle accompanying the indisputable evidence. What image could use? I guess the vacuum, a vacuum but qualitatively full, consistent, true. Or the night, but one night revealing the nature of things.
is as if, so far concentrated on intellectual or practical issues, there left trapped in the phenomenal order, an ability that would be something like a "naked intuition" that now, however, would be that they can act according to what would be his true nature: a spontaneous receiving essentially inconceivable that the sensitivity can not adequately grasp . It's like me, something broke out, as if all if appeased, having found what I was looking for without knowing how.

- Don immediately, entered almost without transition into meditation. It was like being at a "Nothing." It has nothing to do with the sense of presence. There is no "someone" who feel this there. Yes I felt fervor, but as addressed to one night, a nothing, a vacuum they knew was "it."

- focusing only on "It" and assume all the consequences of my choice. I stay up all stretched to a horizon that goes away and move forward, always forward. Sign on the go without a guide, in that race without end, in this journey without a walker. Only this move in an ocean without shores, in the empty ether. Ties are cut. Nothing moving in the Form No you can not sink. Vertigo. Unexpected freedom. I lamented my disappointment. I did not realize that they were gnawing at the rope that held me captive. Feeling broken string, starting at the vast blue that looks like a wall in place but that is an unfathomable depth. The "failure", I said in dismay, without realizing that what was cracking my prison.

- Week broad, immense, because of the void that has been as relaxed. Once again, I grant the right to live the spiritual life but never come in handy for anyone. My failures lead me back to basics.

- This unit I want, would be a mistake to wait for the will can only come from the attention.

- Road in the pure light of dawn. White, beige, blue, pure, moving, living, vast ... Strong sense of parallelism: the world of emptiness, pure, very pure, over this light, this beauty, this "candor". Above the branches of trees, giving the area its ... fullness of emptiness, the Core Area.
Sleep. It's here. There is nothing to say. We're here. How simple it was!. Bliss beyond bliss. Printing conclusion. There is nothing to explain or nothing to do. The center of gravity is exactly where it belongs. There. That's right. All right.

- Yesterday splitting the feeling persisted. For a moment I see around me and myself and from the outside. I see from that high place which is not a place, a new dimension that is not the time.
extreme simplicity. Nothing. Yet, the essential problem you are done. Subtle peace to the total evidence, with nothing obvious.
T. Last week, the void was substantially above the sea and sun. Since this week is "interstitial", if I can call: it's like the air around things, like space between words, as the intramolecular distance.

- Going down the river boat, the landscape has made me abruptly, transparent. How to clarify this impression that I could not recover even if you've tried? It was a bit like the opacity of the objects disappear without themselves disappear, revealing the hidden reality behind them, like the sky through a glass in the que haya unos dibujos. Y es como si la mirada, a través del cristal que son las cosas, se hubiera adaptado a ver en la lejanía y viera, más allá del cristal, la infinita realidad.

- Gozo cósmico. El espectáculo de las cosas no es nada; nada importante. Es tan real o irreal como un sueño. Entretenerse en el tema de su grado de realidad es tan tonto como discutir con una persona todavía dormida: es la persona todavía dormida en nosotros la que se plantea estas cuestiones. Tomar esta gota de luz, de vacío, e insertarla en mi masa oscura, compacta, aquí, allá, por todas partes, penetrando así cada cosa de espacio y de luz.

- Energía diamantina: vacía, clara, so valuable. Substantial amount of space. Some movements more opaque, I think the void in me, calls the ideas and the people around me: I made transparent, accurate achieve consistency.

- The height of power, the higher vibration of love to the point where the heat is light. The maximum lucidity of intelligence: the place of any relationship. That drop of eternity: keep, as a precious stone, between the toes. Crossing her moments. She will give them light, transparency and beauty.

- Stay open. That I am not separate. I'm on the essentials. I stay there consciously, to the extent of my attention, my will, my love, if they do not rush into things.
Energy, truth, secret unit of the Fund. The representation of space is and expression of the Absolute, and also the least love, the little darlings. But either refuse to appear when the psyche is not "your" satisfaction or arise, but to rush on the objects.

... everything has exploded, the entire surface of the walls, throughout the thickness of the volume, everything has exploded. Emptiness ES, ineffable quality of consciousness that is, everywhere, absolutely everything, in every object, every thought, ES. Geneviève


Monday, January 24, 2011

Giant Skeleton Found In The Arabian Desert

Yuan Shun Lu Response.

no definite criteria to measure the forces of dharma and karma. The essential point is to be aware of the mental essence in all activities and times. One should know that both the force of karma, as the strength of the dharma, are illusory. If a man insists on getting rid of karma and dharma to follow, that man does not understand Buddhism. If one is able to destroy the karma, then discover that the dharma is also unrealistic. Men are not usually very narrow-minded and courageous, always assume that this practice is easy and that difficult. They know that the discriminating mind to ease or difficulty attributed to things that sticks or off of things, is the same mind that draws us samsara. If you do not get rid of this mind, liberation is not possible.

Kao Tsung.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Woman Doctor Check His Penies

Robert Garfias: Music in cultural context

From 17 to 20 January we had a seminar on "Music in its Cultural Context", by Professor Robert Garfias. For four days the prof. Garfias led us to an entertaining journey through the music of Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. The first day set the foundation for her approach, which attempts to relate the social structures of musical practices. Considers that it is possible to draw a connection between music and economic organization in hunter-gatherers, horticulturalists, farmers and industrial. We talked about different types of melody, from the simplest to the melody melody heterophonic, in which everyone sings an arrangement by staff of the same melody and polyphony, and we presented several examples from around the world. From their point of view of music is closely related to language and the notions of cooperation and individuality present in each society.

The second day we talked about music in Latin America and how the settlers and American countries where English is spoken today and Portuguese have taken instruments from Europe, Asia and Africa para componer y tocar música en formas nuevas: melodías de origen netamente indígena se tocan y se cantan con instrumentos netamente europeos, y melodías europeas se tocan y cantan en formas diferentes de las originales, también con instrumentos diversos de los originales.  Por ejemplo, el pito y el tambor fueron adoptados rápidamente en las culturas aborígenes, pero no para tocar las melodías de los vigías de las ciudades de Europa y del Medio Oriente, sino para tocar melodías y ritmos indígenas primero, y luego mezclas de ritmos indígenas y melodías europeas, o visceversa.  La guitarra y el harpa vinieron con la conquista europea de América y enseguida encontraron un hogar in cultures of the New Continent. Other instruments were also well received and re-adapted on American soil. In particular, he emphasized the tradition of the marimba in Central America. The marimba, originally an African instrument, is used today to play many types of music, and developed in various ways other than its original African form. The third day

Garfias Professor told us about the music in the Middle East. Proposed that the Arab influence is omnipresent in the music 'Western' today, particularly in the United States. According to Garfield, the band war had its origins in Arab countries, and went on to be adopted in Europe, following many of the Arab conventions, including the staff that the leader of the orchestra used to mark time. The baton dial Arabic rhythm gave way to the European staff, very similar, and later to the baton to conduct symphony orchestras, as well as the rods used by cheerleaders at sports games in the United States and African countries .

The fourth day brought us to different kinds of music of Asia and Eurasia, which is very different among different ethnic groups interpret. Once again, we showed the close relationship that music 'Western' saved with instruments and original melodic forms of Asian origin. He finished his seminary with sounds and images of Japan, where he has conducted much of his ethnomusicological work.

was a pleasure to musicians in town came to this seminar. It was interesting to me that some of these musicians knew the career of Professor Garfias, and were surprised that the Department of Anthropology has been able to offer a seminar from one so eminent. Masters Series in Anthropology, in fact, has brought to our School a leading international figures in anthropology, and we hope to do even in the future. We thank Dr. Garfias their willingness to come and share with us their knowledge Vastis music in the world. Thanks also to musicians and students and participating in this seminar.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Webistes Like Jibjab Free


From August 2006 to June 2007 I was a guest lecturer at The Society for the Humanities Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Had met the then director of the Company, Brett de Bary, a year earlier, when Igor Ayora Diaz and I had been invited to present our work the research seminar of the department of anthropology at Cornell. She and I immediately started talking about theory, the aesthetics of manga, computer software and music. She told me about some projects that had taken place at The Society for the Humanities and I pointed to music related to these ideas and themes. Later, when I was already in The Society, invited me to give a concert of my music. Brett de Bary was, during my stay there, one person told me repeatedly "you are completely synesthesia." I investigated what it means "synesthesia" and found out which is actually a type of disease in people who suffer are the notes in color, displaying images with words and usually have trouble finding the boundaries between various forms of expressive encoding. I have not got this disease.

The fact, however, is that for me there are few boundaries between the terms 'academic' and the terms 'art'. Many of the concepts that I am and I have applied then worked with the help of my guitar. A concept, a story, a feeling, an ethnography or a landscape can be expressed through music, and painting, of dance, literature and theater. Perhaps the post-structural theory, which is my current favorite theory has helped open the door to the perception that all forms of expression are related, and break the boundaries between philosophy and literature, or indeed , philosophy and anthropology.

I thought it was a relatively rare thing to make music with theoretical concepts, but Cornell found that it is no big deal. Delicious spent a year making music, thinking, writing and meeting artists who came to The Society to present their work. Upon returning to the University Autónoma de Yucatán decided that henceforth the fluidity between the texts and other forms of representation have to be part of my teaching. As I repeat to and students in my classes, if I can do them / as well. Now my students in my courses are in addition to written assessments (I'm never completely eliminated), evaluated by means of representations of other types, including stories, music, web sites, escenarizadas choreography, and performances of skits.

So far I have called this new form of courses 'teaching holostésica' because it implies a potential for all the senses, and requires the application of academic theory, sometimes of ethnography and usually some kind of expression outside the written text. In other words, is to think in a holistic manner involving all the senses.

I do not know if this type of teaching can really thrive in fields other than anthropology, or outside environments such as the Yucatan, where students and are always willing to contact to explore their artistic skills. I do not know if this type of teaching can be fruitfully applied beyond the Masters level, as doctoral programs and to prepare students for very specific contexts. For when what we do is happening is that both my students and I are really enjoying the courses, and have fun while learning together.

In September 2011 I will see if this model can be extended to other contexts or not. The historian Patricia Seed and I teach a course at the same time, she at the University of California - Irvine, and I in the abattoir, anthropology and history of performance. We are working together in the course syllabus, design sessions, requirements, and the way in which students and / as my work together in teams.

hope that the ideas but also showered us umbrellas find suitable for conversion into interesting ideas.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Vinegar Reduces Effectiveness Of Birth Control

A garden of roses in a rose garden. Sudden Awakening

Oh friends, just find Paradise and rose gardens within gardens of roses when you manage to go beyond the form.

When you have broken and destroyed your own way, you will have learned how to break everything.


is Saturday night and I'm at the party with some friends. Given my love of dance, just descanzo throughout the evening. Music permeates the atmosphere as a steady rain soaking my body. I'm dancing with this guy, then another and then that someone who does not know at all. And in the middle of the room spinning dervishes rotating, aware of the stillness of Being stillness moves me, guides me, me ever more deeply immersed in the dance. By drinking from the fountain of emptiness that is my source intoxicated me, but I'm completely addicted to drinking that nectar. To dive deep into their wild ocean I see it all suddenly emerge with renewed life. While swimming at the same time in the waters of life, I dive deeper into the dark unknown. The inner fire consumes me I burn without a trace, but I can not stop and throw more fuel and air into the fiery furnace so the orange flames burn more force and return to consume and which emerge phoenix, escaping from the gray ash, takes flight to daylight. What a pleasure and lightness to rid the body as if for the first time, so invisible and innocent as a child, dissolved into emptiness that so prodigious, it manifests as the dancing body as these friends dancing. Light as air, crystal clear, wide as the sky, the party inside me is still alive. To the extent that the pace continues, and near dawn, I can hear the inner silence, the music continues.
Now I'm dancing with a friend, welcoming the opening of his act and joy in his eyes flowing to the side around and upstream sparkling river or the flood of joy and responsibility, proximity and distance, she transforms this night. How wonderful to be free of my face and my body and leave my way-not as ineffable, wide enough for two bodies rooted in the mystery are emptied of their selves and weave new patterns. I breathe deeply and surrender to the dance of being indivisible. It's fun to dance with another person without knowing where our boundaries, inspired by the music, owned by the rhythm, feeling the conversation of our feet the ground, riding wild waves that arise, rise and break to emerge again. Here there is nothing to know or to be, nothing to protect, nothing to take or withhold, or limit any facade behind which to hide. Transparent and limitless, we can hold each other in this wonderful and full of beauty bright emptiness.
When we break the shell of our own appearance, the unlimited-that belongs to everyone, includes us all, accepts all and is our birthright, it shows itself. Rumi found rose gardens, but tonight I find friends who like to dance and I note that, between us, there is the slightest distance.

Richard Lang.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Eyes Too Close Together What Does It Mean

Ink, T's & Beer Tijuana Two December

On Saturday December 4th event was held one illustrators who have gone through the passage rodriguez, he is known by DOE or its PRINTORDAI, is the second annual event that makes this type bearing the name of Ink (ink) T's (t) Beer (Beer) with the participation and provide its passage walls podriguez spaces, local 29 and studio2287. You experience both the time being the first exhibition in day Saturday, with live music by local bands such as The Outlaw Bastards, San Pedro el Cortez and The Homeless. An event with another kind of audience and I mean different kind of audience because unaware of the passage as cultural circuit with a single ticket or do enough for the rest of the tenants was held the event with a great acceptance by the people who like the screen printing and good music. Range or PRINTORDAI
makes its convacatoria to all artists, designers and illustrators in order to create space for new proposals and present work of artists from different regions ... the designs chosen for printing a series of 24 shirts, which will be posted for sale for recovery, as well as the artists will be made to get their work printed.