Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nice Business Slogans

Anthropological field diary

Last week I had a very intense and interesting conversation with the teacher Arehmi Mendiburu, who has devoted much of his research to do ethnography of the classroom during their teaching activities, on the following question: How do we do now the field diary ? Does the computer "Or in notebooks, as we have been taught always in the shop classes in anthropology research?

Mendiburu The teacher was absolutely amazed at the fact that I do my field journal in hardcover books, since, from their point of view, I am one of those people who most advocate the use of computers and anthropological research on the internet. In fact, over the past four summers I have hired students from anthropology to scan my books in Adobe Acrobat, for despite my predilection widely known to virtual formats, I am writing my field notes in hardcover books ( Yucatan sold some books which are known as "transit books" that are hard cover, have a particular scratch, and I buy and use in large quantities). Usually I leave a blank space to the right of my text for keywords and to construct a code for my field diary. This course helps me to make an index in each book. My husband and colleague, Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz, however, makes his daily field directly in the computer, but run the risk of losing once and platforms change, it is easier to code and index your information in digital form.

How should make the field day today? "Analog or digital?

I think that there is no easy answer. I started making my day in the "transit books," returning to a format 'analogue', because during my doctoral fieldwork in Sardinia, Italy, between 1990 and 1992, did most of my daily computer field, in a program that has almost disappeared, called WordPerfect. Made backups of my files in 'floppy', now also gone. At this point I lost most of my field notes and diaries about my research in Sardinia, especially since I now work on the Mac platform, not Windows, and there WordPerfect for Mac (maybe in future there, so I'm keeping my floppy!).

During the summers of 2000 to date have generally recruited some / a student to become my 'books transit' in PDFs. This is NOT an ideal solution, since these PDFs are not easy to navigate and are actually a kind Pictures of my books. However, I found that during the past eleven years since I started using this system a bit primitive, I miss less notes and diaries: if I lose the physical books, usually I have the PDFs, and if at any time I lost the PDFs I have the physical books.

the past four years my husband and I have changed addresses three times our library. The despair of not finding my books is really indescribable, though I have the PDFs that different learners have made my notes and field notes. However, there are always books that have been digitized notes that did not get the scanner and other tragedies. And recently a friend of the USA I wrote that at his university are adopting the Scandinavian policy after two years, and researchers must destroy all his notes and field diaries, and is no longer possible to use data two or more years old. I think that is not far off when our university, the abattoir, implement such rules, because the claims of many local companies against the anthropological representation begin to impact our research methods and techniques. So what can be done in these circumstances?

I think we are two roads: One is to fight to establish the uniqueness of anthropological research. Many people we work with every day could ally themselves and agree with us, as it is now common for local claims are based on ethnographic and anthropological field notes. However, it will be difficult to succeed on this front. Another is to start thinking in specific projects where the information collected we can serve and save as much as we can from the information obtained so far, no university, or in Scandinavia or the U.S. or Nowhere has placed a prohibition against memory and theorizing. The wording of chips may help us keep things in memory, so that I find most critical writing, as always, a list of our field day. Even if we have then dissolved, having worked with dedication of our materials will help us to remember that unless we work to transform our daily information and field notes on index cards.

I would have liked a more definitive answer on whether the book or the computer is a better way to write notes and diary, but the times these will have to stick individual preferences to university policies emanating from international bodies, and our own criteria for what is right, what is ethical and what is advertised on the horizon as an anthropological practice fair and ethical, as well as perfectly legal.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dr. Arvind Poswal Review

The wheat grain was ...

- Grain was shining and immortal wheat, which was never mowed, nor was ever sown. I had always been there forever. The dust and stones of the street were as precious as gold. The doors in the beginning was the end of the world. The green trees, when for the first time I saw one of the gates, transported and enthralled me, their sweetness and unusual beauty made my heart throb, almost mad with ecstasy, so strange and wonderful they were! Men! Oh, how venerable and reverend creatures seemed the old! Immortal Cherubim! And the young, sparkling, dazzling angels! Y las doncellas, ¡extrañas, seráficas muestras de vida y belleza! Niños y niñas, retozando, jugando en la calle, eran joyas movientes. No sabía que hubiesen nacido o hubiesen de morir. Sino que todas las cosas moraban eternamente donde se hallaban, en sus lugares propios. La eternidad se manifestaba a la luz del día, y algo infinito aparecía detrás de cada cosa; lo que correspondía a lo que yo esperaba y movía mi deseo. La ciudad parecía elevarse en el Edén o estar construída en el Cielo. Las calles eran mías, el templo era mío, la gente era mía, sus vestidos oro y plata eran míos, así como sus resplandecientes ojos, clara piel y sonrosado rostro. Míos eran los cielos, and the sun, moon and stars, and everybody was mine, and I the only spectator and enjoyer of it ... And so it was very busy that I was corrupted and made me learn the tricks of the world. What now unlearn and around me, so to speak, as a small child to enter the kingdom of God.

- Your enjoyment of the world is never right till every morning you wake up in the sky, you look at the palace of your father, and consider the sky, land and air as celestial joys, having such reverent estimation of the entire as if you were among the Angels. The spouse of a monarch, the camera her husband has no such cause of delight as you. Never
you enjoy the world aright till the sea itself flows in your veins, until you wear the crown heavens and the stars, and perceive that you are the sole heir of the world, and more than that because there are men in it, and each one of them is heir just like you. Until you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and kings with their scepters, you can never enjoy the world.
Until your spirit fills the world, and the stars are your jewels, until you're familiar with the ways of God in all ages such as your walk and your table, until you've tried anything that dark intimately that made the world, until you love men so you want your happiness with the zeal of greed like yours, until you delight in God to be good for all, never you enjoy the world. Until you feel your property rather than particular, and are more present in the hemisphere, considering its glory and beauty, in your own home, until you remember how little does your birth and the wonder of being born into it, and you rejoice more to the palace of your glory as if it had been created this morning.
And never you enjoyed the world aright, till you love both the beauty of enjoying it, you feel the greed and the desire to persuade others to enjoy it. And so perfectly hate the abominable corruption of the men who despise you prefer suffer the flames of hell to be voluntarily guilty of such error.
The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, but nobody sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, but nobody is looking. It is a region of Light and Peace, if men did not worry him. It is the Paradise of God. It's more for the man, since he fell, not before. It is the place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. When Jacob awoke from his dream, he said: God is here, and did not know. How awesome is this place! Is none other than the Face of God and the Gate of Heaven.

Thomas Traherne.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Funny Sharking Mobile

this ...

I am looking for a man with terminal cancer. The disease has spread to his prostate and testicles, which are now the size of tennis balls. Is losing control of his bowels and bowel movements at night on top. We laughed and we talked about last night's football game while I wash the feces that litter its gigantic testicles. I do not say that there is no suffering, do not say "I am free and you do not" and not even mentioned the nonduality. You simply clean the testicles. That's it.

I hold the hand of a woman in the hospital. Dying. His face is yellow and shallow breathing. The stench of urine and chlorine is in the air over a bowl of instant tomato soup that has not even played. I see myself same die. We die together in this lonely room between plastic flowers and a tomato sopicaldo. This is all and she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I'm laying in a hospital bed. The surgeon just remove a fleshy lump anus. When the nurse removed the gauze covering the wound open and swollen, I feel like I stuck a knife in the anus and then girasen several times. I ask for more morphine, but the nurse said he could not give me more. The whole universe is saturated with pain.
A music video with a crash sounds on TV next to my bed. Then the pain suddenly disappears and is replaced by the voice of Britney Spears. Britney Spears is only a song called Womanizer. It is as if the pain would never have been there. And, if it occurred, it already thousands of millions of years ... . ocurrióa and somebody else will. Suddenly

recurs excruciating pain. Do not know it was possible to experience such pain. My eyes blur and I almost fainted. Then back Britney: "Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer, Oh womanizer, Oh, you're a womanizer, baby." The pain seems to move to the rhythm of the dance movement of Britney. There

some stability here. Nothing endures from one moment to the next. All that remains is the rawness of the experience. Stab, Britney, stab, Britney ... the breathing motion of the universe.

Jeff Foster.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

College Farewell Party Invitation Quote

Conference Professor Patricia Seed in Solomon

On Thursday April 4, the renowned historian Patricia Seed, University of California - Irvine, gave conference "Mapping the world tour" in the auditorium of the Department of Anthropology at the University Autónoma de Yucatán. Professor Seed has been studying the Mercator map, tracing the places from which they come paper, calculations, geographical knowledge and graphic design of this famous document.

According to Dr. Seed, it is impossible to know for sure exactly what data were used to compile the map, but she believes the author was based on the knowledge that time had only a handful of excellent Portuguese cartographers, who then processed the information came from the English and Portuguese voyages around the world. Dr. Seed applied a Mercator map algorithm to determine the degree of accuracy with which various parts of the world are represented in that letter, and found that the closest information to which we have is the one shown, indeed, for the places then carrying the English and Portuguese ships.

Dr. Seed also presented several maps from the same period and close times. He explained that the cartographers of the time they put false information on their maps so that if someone could copy them realize the forgery. He explained that many mapmakers copied maps that were not theirs, but with the destruction of a large map collection in Lisbon in 1755 because of a terrible tsunami and a great fire, lots of original maps have disappeared and is now very difficult to know whether which there are originals or are copies.

the end of the conference, several teachers and students of our faculty asked him questions. It was a fascinating conference that left us thinking about the importance of graphic representations, especially maps, to our world view. The maps have partial information, and even wrong, but without them many of the current history has not been written. As noted by Jose Luis Borges, the only way to have a perfect map would do the exact size of reality, and that point would become an information overload, and therefore would be useless.