Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dr. Arvind Poswal Review

The wheat grain was ...

- Grain was shining and immortal wheat, which was never mowed, nor was ever sown. I had always been there forever. The dust and stones of the street were as precious as gold. The doors in the beginning was the end of the world. The green trees, when for the first time I saw one of the gates, transported and enthralled me, their sweetness and unusual beauty made my heart throb, almost mad with ecstasy, so strange and wonderful they were! Men! Oh, how venerable and reverend creatures seemed the old! Immortal Cherubim! And the young, sparkling, dazzling angels! Y las doncellas, ¡extrañas, seráficas muestras de vida y belleza! Niños y niñas, retozando, jugando en la calle, eran joyas movientes. No sabía que hubiesen nacido o hubiesen de morir. Sino que todas las cosas moraban eternamente donde se hallaban, en sus lugares propios. La eternidad se manifestaba a la luz del día, y algo infinito aparecía detrás de cada cosa; lo que correspondía a lo que yo esperaba y movía mi deseo. La ciudad parecía elevarse en el Edén o estar construída en el Cielo. Las calles eran mías, el templo era mío, la gente era mía, sus vestidos oro y plata eran míos, así como sus resplandecientes ojos, clara piel y sonrosado rostro. Míos eran los cielos, and the sun, moon and stars, and everybody was mine, and I the only spectator and enjoyer of it ... And so it was very busy that I was corrupted and made me learn the tricks of the world. What now unlearn and around me, so to speak, as a small child to enter the kingdom of God.

- Your enjoyment of the world is never right till every morning you wake up in the sky, you look at the palace of your father, and consider the sky, land and air as celestial joys, having such reverent estimation of the entire as if you were among the Angels. The spouse of a monarch, the camera her husband has no such cause of delight as you. Never
you enjoy the world aright till the sea itself flows in your veins, until you wear the crown heavens and the stars, and perceive that you are the sole heir of the world, and more than that because there are men in it, and each one of them is heir just like you. Until you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and kings with their scepters, you can never enjoy the world.
Until your spirit fills the world, and the stars are your jewels, until you're familiar with the ways of God in all ages such as your walk and your table, until you've tried anything that dark intimately that made the world, until you love men so you want your happiness with the zeal of greed like yours, until you delight in God to be good for all, never you enjoy the world. Until you feel your property rather than particular, and are more present in the hemisphere, considering its glory and beauty, in your own home, until you remember how little does your birth and the wonder of being born into it, and you rejoice more to the palace of your glory as if it had been created this morning.
And never you enjoyed the world aright, till you love both the beauty of enjoying it, you feel the greed and the desire to persuade others to enjoy it. And so perfectly hate the abominable corruption of the men who despise you prefer suffer the flames of hell to be voluntarily guilty of such error.
The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, but nobody sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, but nobody is looking. It is a region of Light and Peace, if men did not worry him. It is the Paradise of God. It's more for the man, since he fell, not before. It is the place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. When Jacob awoke from his dream, he said: God is here, and did not know. How awesome is this place! Is none other than the Face of God and the Gate of Heaven.

Thomas Traherne.


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