Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Many Wireless Devices Can My Modem Handle

extraterrestrs Microorganisms in the waters of Montevideo


Scientists have discovered Faculty of unknown specimens of protozoa in the water of the Rio Santa Lucia. Dr. Anastasio troubles, micro-biologist in charge of the department of molecular biology Faculty of Sciences, says that "they have found traces of unknown microorganisms in the basin of Rio Santa Lucia, about three hundred miles northwest of Fraile Muerto." These organisms are not found in textbooks, or the Encarta '97, not even in Wikipedia, so Dr. troubles and his collaborators, Dr. Yanina Yosselin Yerbero, anthropologist, and Dr. Tamarindo Lemonade , an expert in origami, have come to the conclusion that it is a kind of protozoan alien, namely, a native of Pluto (the former last planet in the solar system) who came to earth by a meteorite that was destined for the moon , but it bounced on the surface of this and ended up on Earth, about 98,722,544 million years.

"We do not know for sure if these unicellular organisms are hazardous to human health or not," says Dr. troubles, who just cut his right cheek while shaving, "but we are conducting extensive studies to determine whether they pose any threat to the population. "

While we await the results of those mysterious analysis, as has been reported in the Ministry of Public Health, people affected by a rare disease characterized by symptoms very striking, like a greenish color on the skin, warts on the eyelids, purulent grains under fingernails and a surprising taste for the songs of Ricardo Fort. According to official sources from the Ministry of Health, now has five people who have these symptoms and they all say "have begun to feel ill after eating two or three glasses of water straight from the tap."

We look forward to what happens to them, as well as studies of Dr. troubles and their collaborators.


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