Thursday, October 14, 2010

Scandal Of Diana Zubiri


is night, does not think it was night.

day is not intended to be the day.

it going to be at night if it's day.

How will be the day when it is night.

Do you think they're talking to a madman?

really wish it was daytime.

's cold but I have heat.

is hot but I'm dying of cold.

I said it was cold but lie.

heat is melting the rocks.

I see that with my own eyes

false! I see nothing!

I have eyes tightly closed!

What happens is that I feel bad That

stomach pain
The staggering continues.

do you wrong: I feel perfectly!

In my life I've felt better! Hopefully

me feel miserable!

Look closely and see

That I'm laughing out loud.

Nicanor Parra.


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