Monday, April 19, 2010

Kates Playground Shower Pict

type PC Games Craft

mid-eighties and early nineties, there was a subgenre within the arcade game that became one of the most popular at that time: The game ships (although not seem like a very formal name is the most commonly used to refer to these games), which achieved great notoriety because they were thrown also to the dear and unforgettable PC Engine. These games are simple plot, action-packed and completely addictive, where what matters are our skills and our reflections controls to move and shoot at once, with the goal of eliminating all the bad guys and in turn, prevent these we settled for us. The important thing is to get the most points, or (if we get it) to the last level where you must defeat a monstrous ship full of weapons, which fire in all directions and at the same time. This is when our skills y reflejos deben estar a su máxima potencia. Pero aunque no se logre llegar al último nivel (cosa que, en muchos de los juegos de este género es en extremo difícil), lo importante es pasar horas y horas de diversión viajando en nuestra pequeña nave que puede ser vista desde arriba o desde el costado según el juego, disparando, moviéndonos y recogiendo los premios que los malos van dejando para mejorar nuestras armas.

A continuación, presento una lista de los mejores juegos de naves de PC Engine, o al menos, los que a mí me parecen los mejores. La lista no es un ranking y está ordenada alphabetically only by following a random order, with the name of the game, the creator and year plus a small description. Note: The question marks mean I do not know the year of publication of the game or your company creative.

1943 - (????) - Endearing game set in World War II, in which we were flying a biplane that was destroying all types of aircraft enemy, from aircraft to aircraft giant fired back.

Aeroblaster - Hudson Soft (1990) - Here we handle a modern aircraft F-15 style. The game is viewed from the side and can shoot all kinds of missiles.

Airzonk - Hudson Soft (1992) - The good old Bonk (child-caveman cabezón we marveled at the platform game series) again become a sort of super hero flying rays shooting everything you put in front. Very funny.

Barunba - Namcot (1989) - Curious game where you manage a bubble-shaped ship that fires two guns that can rotate 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees. The enemies, most are birds robot.

Cyber \u200b\u200bCore - ISS (1990) - Piloted a ship that looks like a bug and we should be eliminating similar enemies.

Child of dragon Coryoon - Soft Naxat (????) - Entertaining game in which he played a small flying dragon who must rescue a princess, through many levels.

Dead Moon - TSS (1991) - Game where you control a ship in a very strange.

Deep Blue - Pack-in-video (????) - Game in which we handle a fish-shaped submarine that should be removing all class of marine creatures.

Dragon Saber - Namcot (1990) - Original fantasy game where you control a dragon that kills enemies spitting fire.

Fantasy Zone - NEC (1986) - A colorful game with childish. We handle a tiny ship in a universe that looks like a garden, where flowers are shooting.

Gradius – Konami (1985) – Juego típico de naves, de Konami.

Heavy Unit – Taito (1989) – Espeluznante juego en el que debemos ir disparando a muchos gusanos compuestos por calaveras que se ríen si nos matan.

Metal Stocker – Face (1989) – Juego muy original. Aquí, debemos pilotar una nave mientras nos movemos por una serie de laberintos, en lugar de flying through space.

Mr. Heli - Irem (1989) - Another fun game where helicopter piloted a nice addition to go kill the bad guys, must be dug into Rocky (a missile force) to unearth a precious mineral blue.

Ordyne - Namco (1989) - One of the few games where we see the pilot inside the ship. It has an air of caricature.

Lepus Special Rabio - Video System (1990) - Here, we face a Leups (whatever that is), a kind of rabbit or hamster robotic wings and shooting at the same time .

R-Type - Hudson Soft (1988) - Game Unit Heave similar to where we should go shooting at stone worms in numerous caves. Worms cut into pieces, but they still can harm us.

sidearms - Nec (1989) - We drove to a transformer style robot that flies in the air over a city devastated by alien forces. You can fire both forward and backward.

Soldier Blade - Hudson Soft (1992) - Routine spaceship game.

Super Star Soldier - Hudson Soft (1991) - Another game routine Hudson.

Tatsujin -Taito (1992) - drove a cherry red ship in outer space.

Twin Bee - Konami (1992) - Fun and funny game starring a kind of bullet or projectile by the arms and legs that go flying through the sky and shooting. Pretty entertaining.

Violent Solider - (????) - Another typical game of spaceship.

Xevius - Namco (1982) - Piloted a ship that looks like a space shuttle while we are shooting at enemies in a disk. The game has a look that gives us the missions.

probably many others I forget, but if the aggressors all, the list is endless. The important thing is that these games are part of gamer culture, to the point that they have become pillars of the same.


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