For jnani has really understood the identity of your inner self with the infinite Brahman,
there is no rebirth or transmigration or liberation.
He is beyond all this.
is well established in its true nature, absolute quality,
in which they are inseparable existence, wisdom and bliss.
The existence of this body, and the world as detached from reality that everything is
jnani the eyes of an illusion, it can not eliminate
but that is no longer able to deceive.
the death of this body, as in life,
he is always where ever you are, you always do what ever is
-the first principle of all things and all beings, "
formless, nameless without spot, without time, without dimension and absolutely free.
The mind can not approach him, appetites can not torture him,
not defile sins, he is free from desire and suffering. Go
the Self infinite in everything, and everything in the Self infinite, that is your Self
The jnani confesses his experience as follows:
am infinite, imperishable, the source of my light and my existence.
I have no beginning or end.
not born or I can die, change or deteriorate.
pervades and interpenetrate all things.
In the myriad worlds of thought and creation, only I'm
Robert Adams.
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