Thursday, May 6, 2010

Opening Prayer For A Debut Program

Truth is beyond any thought ...

Truth is beyond any thought, concept or conditioning.
Truth is what you are, and only the Truth Es
So stop your search, just Be still,
not stimulate any thought or make any effort,
and the Truth will reveal itself as Itself.

All practice carries a
ego reinforcing the subject-object.
All practice is done
through the senses and the mind-body, which reaffirms
ID the body-mind.
Any identification is a misidentification.

You become whatever you think,
so if you think of the name and form
're thinking about the ego-mind-world-sense-illusion.

If you must think, then think
Existence, Consciousness and Bliss.
Although it is best just to know that
"I am That, I am Brahman."

direct practice is in right now, just being,
without waiting for the next moment or the next thought
or the next life to get something done.

direct practice is Ecstasy of turning your face to be,
direct practice is to honor your own Self,
direct practice is to exist.

HWL Poonja.


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