This was his answer from the U.S.: "Hello my friend, how to notice that the trees you can not see the forest ... How can you call yourself poor, when ...?
- You can pay for a gallon of gasoline more than triple what I pay.
- you see the luxury of paying electricity tariffs, mobile phone and 80% more expensive than it cost me to me.
- You pay commissions for banking services and credit cards, three times what they cost us here.
- For a car that cost me $ 2,000, you can pay the equivalent of $ 20,000.
Why are poor, you ask? You really can give you a taste of giving $ 18,000 to the government and we do not. YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND!.
We, the people of Florida, we are poor. So the state government, given our precarious financial situation, we charge only 2% VAT (plus another 4% is federal, total = 6%) and not 16% as you pay you rich who live in Spain and from next summer will be 18%.
addition, it is your "luxury taxes" such as tax petrol and gas, alcohol, snuff, etc. reaching up to 320% of original value. (In the gasoline you pay the taxes and 70% are now in Catalonia have plus a little to subsidize the health).
And you pay other taxes such as: income tax (on wages) income tax.
-tax on new cars.
-Taxes on personal property.
-Tax on property of enterprises (IAE).
-Tax car usage (traffic).
And you give yourself lucky to still afford to pay 16% VAT on these taxes. Besides all the paperwork and payments national and municipal (FEES).
But if you you were not rich, what meaning would be:
National tax, autonomous tax and municipal tax, of that caliber?
POOR "? Where?.
A country that is able to collect INCOME TAX AND PERSONAL PROPERTY advance (via withholding) and Spain, must necessarily swim in abundance, because it considers that the affairs of the nation and all its people always make money despite: Looting, robbery, bribes, droughts and winters with disasters, floods, corruption, looting fiscal ...
And of course with all this, all working in this country must make a lot.
Poor us, who live in USA and NOT pay income tax if they earn less than $ 3,000 per person per month (about 2,000 €). Think
an unskilled worker typically earns about $ 2000 per month. To you also:
-waste collection tax.
-Taxes on consumption of water, gas and electricity.
And now you pay taxes for any team player SGAE you to buy blank CD's including, USB, etc..
And you pay private security in banks, estates, etc. While we are satisfied with the public.
there until you send your children to private schools and see if we will be poor here in the U.S., public schools provide the books we study if we do not have money to buy.
sometimes amazes me the wealth of the English asking for a loan either, and are able to pay the 8% monthly interest, minimum. Not like here, we just got to 8% (usually 7.8%), precisely because we are not able to pay more.
I guess as all the rich, you have a car and insurance are paying between 200 and 800 euros per year, if it's information, I paid only $ 245 per year ...
And as I have money, you can make annual payments in respect of what we call road tax (apart from ITV, green, blue zone, forced parking, etc ...) while we can not afford such luxuries and pay $ 15 per year to STICKER regardless what model of car I drove, but of course, why you pay you, is for people resources. THAT IS BEING RICH!
Being rich is having:
- 86,000 councilors
- 9,000 mayors
- 17 presidents of autonomous
- 1,600
regional parliament - 350 deputies in parliament (who pay no income tax)
- 300 senators
- 200 MPs in Strasbourg
- 600 Advisors
classroom study - 20 ministers and all his cohorts, and lower rank, paradoxically, the more salary.
There Mayors who earn more than the Prime Minister, all this for such a small country like Spain. THAT IS TO BE RICH!
- 86,000 councilors
- 9,000 mayors
- 17 presidents of autonomous
- 1,600
regional parliament - 350 deputies in parliament (who pay no income tax)
- 300 senators
- 200 MPs in Strasbourg
- 600 Advisors
classroom study - 20 ministers and all his cohorts, and lower rank, paradoxically, the more salary.
There Mayors who earn more than the Prime Minister, all this for such a small country like Spain. THAT IS TO BE RICH!
Come on, you stay in SPAIN for you are all RICH. We are poor like me, we came to try their luck in this country.
Well, you command a hug and then tell me how you go with the new budget, which is certain is that you further increase taxes. But do not worry, that the negative inflation will compensate you
... Well that's not important, when you have the money to pay. And rest assured that the next speech he will give a tremendous round of applause for your nice Presidents Zapatero and Montilla.
Besides that is what you pay for living in the 8 th World Power, the best place in the world and the third where people feel happier on the planet.
Your poor friend Emigrante that was in the U.S.
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