Monday, November 16, 2009

Message To Newborn Babies

Solución completa para Pánico en el IPA


This is simply a solution of the game, with all the steps to follow to solve it. There is no review critical of the game itself, which, for ethical reasons, it is advisable to make someone outside the project.
One of the most fun to play an adventure to explore the environment. See, touch and examine everything around us, although we do not help solve the puzzles themselves. This solution only contains the information you need to know to solve the puzzles, but it says almost nothing about the interaction with the environment, which should be run by the player. Starting

After striking and intriguing introduction, we began with Matt in the hallway on the first floor of the IPA. There is a chart on the wall. We can come to see the strange signs and notices that have been published. Looking more closely, we discover that there is also a recipe. Yet we need, so if you try to take it, Matt will not. Going further to the right and we find Algebra, a surly-looking orange cat. (If you try to touch or look at it, we will realize how unfriendly they can be.) Despite this, we speak with him. We say we're looking for melina, ys have a clue what is happening in the IPA. Gradually, Algebra will give us some information, but uncertain. If we want to know more, we ask you to do a favor: we go to the bar to fetch a frozen fish. We also say that the bar is locked (it is logical at that time) and that the key is in the basement. After a brief discussion, we leave to Algebra and go to the right, passing next to the stairs.
Thus we come to the basement. Although we can see all the lights are off, so Matt can not do anything. We have to move a bit to see the switch on the wall. Activate it, which turn on the lights. We see that there are a few bloody torture instruments in the basement. We are interested in the Hammer (hanging on the wall), an examination of the pile on the table (Matt has a review of biophysics) and the Key to the cantina (also posted on the wall).
We left the basement and again in the corridor of Algebra, go to the second corridor, heading for the space between the two small blue triangles. Thus we come to a hallway where there are two doors: that of a classroom and laboratory biology. Open the classroom door and entered.
After admiring the elaborate equations on the blackboard there, we RULE T is lying on the floor and the box of chalk ECONOMIC there on the desk. We left the room and go to the biology laboratory. Upon entering, we walked to the right past Alex the skeleton up to the refrigerator. The open. Inside there is a lot of strange things, which we can look, touch or even speakest but we can only take the BRAIN. Also we took the bottle of KCl (potassium chloride) that is on the fridge. Once we have these things in our power, we leave.
again in the corridor, go to the courtyard, moving toward the front (shown as blue space PATIO).
there, we move to the far right are the oregano and spinach. Matt hates spinach, so the only thing we can take is oregano. Then we use the key in the basement with the door of the cantina and entered.
The bar is made a mess ... seems that there was a slaughter. We see the freezer in the corner. Open the lid and then find the FISH Teo. Then we go a little longer, until the onion rings there on the counter and we got a package. If we walk a little more, find the one responsible for the bloodshed: a squirrel psychopath who threatens us with a knife. We can not touch the squirrel and take the cookie sheet in a star that is on the table, because we risk losing a finger, therefore, we leave the bar.
return with Algebra (returning the same way we came) and we give the fish. So we ask you to tell us more about what happens in the IPA. We speak of an evil force that seems to have possessed the institution ... A membrane mutant! Algebra tells us about his evil plans (to turn all humans into zombies and thus conquer the world) on the membrane where it is hidden, etc. It also gives us a clue as to how we can stop it: the membrane is lactose intolerant. When you finish talking to Algebra, we return to the billboard and now we can take the prescription. If we look, we discover that it is a cheese cookie recipe low in calories (and then also see a chilling "cutscente" we show how is Melina).

The deadly weapon

Now that you have the recipe, we must focus on preparing the cookies to defeat the membrane.
climbed the stairs of the corridor and so reach the second floor. There we see the closed door of girls' restroom. The open. At first it seems that Matt is reluctant to go in there, but finally plucks up courage and get it.
When we went to the bathroom, we find Diana, a classmate. We talk. Melina and asked about what she is doing there. Does not give us much information about our friend, but says that is the bathroom because it seeks its ring of luck, which lost to fall out down the toilet. If we try to help SOPAP taking that next to the toilet, Diana will not let us because it is owned by the girls' restroom. So we have to give Diana the onion rings we get in the canteen. In this way, she will have a new ring of luck (same as before) and will be happy and content, so that we can take the SOPAP.
We left the bathroom and go to the corridor, which is next to it.
There we see three doors: the CEIP (Centre students IPA), and two ballrooms. Let the games of the fund, which has no door, and entered.
Now we are in a peculiar room, which is a cube with a question mark floating in the air. We try to pick up that bucket, then Matt gets under it and jump. Once we have the fungus in our power, we leave.
again in the corridor, go to the next room, the one with the door closed. When we entered, we see a teacher (Charles Fanning, biostatistics) trying to solve some complicated equations. In the lounge there is a heavy book of Biostatistics, which Charles will not let us take, for what needed to finish the job. What we have to do is give you a hand ... or rather, a brain. We deliver the brain that are in the laboratory biology. Thus, Charles manages to solve the equations, so you can go home. We take the tome and go.
Now we can try to enter the CEIPA, but we will meet with Hector, which will tell us that we can not because CEIPA members are in session. The only way in is with an ID, which do not have time. So back to the hallway where the girls' restroom and then we went to the door on the right (the library).
When we entered, we find the librarian. We talked to him and asked him to help us, which will be in vain. Do not let us in the back room, or take any of the data which are on file at the counter. We use the tome with the librarian. Matt returns (and how!) And now that the librarian is out of action, we do what we want. We carry a card file of the counter and then surround it to go to the back room (files). There
see Melina was the same as at the beginning: the empty bag with the remains of green slime that go out the window. In that room there are many books, but we are only interested in two: the Manual of Entomology (which is in the large bookcase in one of the middle shelves) and the MANUAL OF ELECTRONIC STUDENT (which is on a of wall shelves. Once we have these two volumes, left the library.
We return to the corridor where the CEIPA and knocked on the door. Hector comes again to receive us. I again asked to take us to their leader and now we have an identification, we can do it. When we entered the CEIPA
, we see that Hector is very concentrated listening to the speech of his companion Josacho (which stands on the counter, left, talking to a very attentive crowd.) We can try to talk to them, but we do not help much. We can not disrupt the meeting. We can talk a little with Hector, but he will be very friendly. About the counter near Josacho, there is a spray can. If we examine, we find that it is a PEACEMAKER OF RODENTS. We took it. Then go to the right, toward the student who is behind the counter, looking depressed (Anselmo). We talked to him and asked what the reason for his sadness. He says that is because he lost all the tests (we realize that not very smart). Our duty, as future educators, is to give a hand: open your inventory and use our PEN (to start the game, Matt already have it) to REVIEW found in the basement. Thus, Teo alter the test. Now, we give our ADULTERATED EXAM friend, so he flies out of joy. Al
fly, we noticed that he fell to the ground thing: his wallet. Take it. Do not have cash, but a student credit card (VESA), with which we stayed. Anselmo is now, we can put bread hard as a rock that is over the counter and PENCIL (Matt is left alone with the glass). Open the inventory and use the hammer with bread, making flour. Once we have all this, we leave the CEIPA.
In the corridor, go up the ladder from the bottom, rising to third floor. There, we found another card, full of ads next to the restroom. We look at the ads, but the one that really matters is the IMPORTANT NOTICE. Seems to offer classes locksmith fast. Matt is a heel with the number you must call. We went into the restroom.
We met Lenny, the joker of the institute, which will make us a small little joke with his water gun. After this scene, we talked to Lenny. It seems that it is time to switch roles and for once, the victim of the joke he SOPAP We use the CAP NASTY is in the pipe coming out of the wall to the left. In doing so, we will refund the joke to Lenny ... Although perhaps we have gone out of hand. Once you are on the ground, bowed, examine his stocky body (hands) and found his water pistol, which in reality is filled with red ink. There is not much we can do for Lenny now, so we go.
In the corridor again, going to the right, to the computer room.
When we entered, we see that there are three computers: one Rentuim, a lieutenant Napoleon 64 and a M-200. The Ensign Rentuim and we can not use them so that we can only Napoleon (a marvel of technology.) But if we try to use it, find that seems to be broken. As we know little of electronics, we use the MANUAL OF ELECTRONIC we got at the library computer. Thanks to him, put the small piece missing from the Napoleon and now we can use. (Pressing the switch on the bottom).
immediately jumped into cyberspace, particularly at the Warehouse website Doña Cosme. There's a lot of products on sale, but that we are interested in are the MILK, on \u200b\u200bwhich we click. When asked if we buy that product, say OK (which we do because we have credit card Anselmo). Immediately, the store delivery service Doña Cosme leaves a big chunk of cheese, right next to us. We pick you up and go.
We went upstairs and from there to the first (we can go down the stairs are next to the ones we use to upload, so get to the corridor where the biology lab.) We return to the biology laboratory.
walked to the right key until you see the gas leaving the ceiling above the table. open the key and use the cheese with fire, giving us cheese.
We leave and return to the main corridor where it is Algebra. From there, we go left, down the hall. Once in the lobby, we left the IPA through the front door and found ourselves at the entrance.
Here, we use the public telephone which is on the side. Teo called Locksmith number instantly. Then talk to Eustace, received the package containing the tool you need. We collect the package (which may seem disappointing at first) and re-enter.
Back in the lobby, go to the bottom, toward the theater entrance.
We are in the stage, where is Yolanda, the giant spider, with its cute little children. We talked to Yolanda and then try to take his bucket, but she will not let us. So we use the MANUAL OF ENTOMOLOGY with it. Matt begins to relate the fascinating life of an assassin bug, which Yolanda falls asleep. Now, we can take the bucket.
We're going to the theater, we return to the main corridor and there into the yard again, to go back to the cantina. It's time to deal with the psycho squirrel.
In the canteen, we stand in front of the squirrel and use the PEACEMAKER RODENT with her, which we literally pacify. Now, we can take the cookie cutter.
We leave and go back upstairs to return to the girls' restroom. Open the cold water tap and use the pen with water, which we filled. We leave and return to CEIPA.
Once there, Yolanda putting the bucket on the table, next to the microwave and started to put in the bucket, one by one, the ingredients (which may be included in any order): Cheese melted, flour, water (the cup), oregano, chalk, salt (KCl), the fungus and ink (from the gun Lenny).
When all ingredients are in the bucket, we use the T RULE to stir, so we get cookie dough. Now, we use the mold that we took the squirrel to cut the dough, and so we get raw crackers, star-shaped cut. Open the microwave and place the raw cookie inside. You close it and few seconds later, got baked cookies.
Now we are ready to face the membrane.

The confrontation

we go down to the basement. Here, we use Opener Instant Locksmith with steel door. Open the door and entered. (Note: we can get, because now we have cookies.)
In the cellar, moving towards the right (but not before seeing a little around us), until we came to the dreaded membrane. Start a conversation in which we say we're on the verge of defeat, but the membrane is not intimidated and we wonder how we do it. Then, open the inventory and give you cookies. After a brief parliament, the membrane is eaten cookies ... and that's when you realize that it is cheese, but it's too late.
Once the membrane is out of action, we see desperately trying Teo free his friend of that infernal machine. When successful, both run away from there and now we can see them free and safe again, to the satisfaction of having completed the adventure.


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