Monday, December 21, 2009

Newborn Phlegm Breastfeeding

Cómo preparar un examen en un mes

Valid for college and high school students
(Especially recommended for students of the IPA)

This is a practical guide on steps to take before taking any exam.

1) Thirty days before . Start collecting the study material. This means sorting papers, photocopies, notes, books, trains and other, accumulated throughout the school year. Do not begin to read anything, just sort of study material in the order set arbitrarily by the student. For example, Photocopies can be sorted by subject, chronologically, by price, etc.. This can be done several times a day to give the idea to family and friends that one is engaged in a hundred percent to the study.

2) Twenty days before . Slowly begin to explore the themes of the program easier. Spend at least two hours of study per day for a week, with rest periods of half an hour to forty-five minutes between subject and theme. You can continue with the classification of material, to extend the study sessions.
3) Fifteen days before. Start take notes and make summaries of the most long, if they were done previously. Devote three to four hours to the study, focusing on topics that are more complicated. It agrees to consult with peers, teachers, relatives, doctors, lawyers, firefighters or any other aide to clear doubts. Not recommended to continue with the classification of material, because, at this point, can raise suspicions in the environment that you are not doing anything, which is simply "doing that study."

4) ten days before. Start up early, meaning before noon, between eight and nine and a half. Extending the study sessions to five or six hours, reviewed the topics that were studied for the first time in the second stage, this time with a degree of depth. Start drinking coffee in generous amounts, especially after twelve o'clock.

5) seven days earlier. Reduce eight hours of sleep a maximum of five standard. Increasing doses of up to seven cups coffee daily, a every two hours. Fill the space normally used for studying sleep with rest intervals of fifteen minutes between songs.

6) three days earlier. Replace the coffee amphetamines, if necessary. Two hours to reduce the period of two hours sleep and increase the study period. Barbiturates is strongly recommended in order to placate the nerves (but not exceeding the dose of amphetamines).

7) two days earlier. Make an overview but deep half of the subjects to study for the test. Do not read anything that is not related to the topics of study, and are therefore exempt from newspapers, magazines, novels Corin Tellado, horoscopes, appliance manuals, shopping lists and so on, as the reading of these materials may interfere with I studied previously. Increasing doses of painkillers, without neglecting the amphetamines.

8) the day before. up early, preferably before sunrise Take a cold shower at least two hours and then sinking his head into a bucket of ice for forty and five minutes. If a headache, take two aspirin blisters whole, lowering them with black coffee, followed by a spoonful of Valium. Make a general and comprehensive review of the second half of the items under consideration and then make a general review of all topics. It is valid to clear doubts with teachers, peers, family, etc. It allows the phone call after eleven at night, or threaten them with death if they refuse to cooperate. Avoid direct contact (physical, visual or otherwise) with any other human, animal or plant, as it may interfere with the student's concentration and be seriously injured. Not receive phone calls, mails, messages text, letters, faxes, pigeons, or any other communication attempt from the outside world. Do not listen to the radio or watching television, or access the Internet, unless it is to see material related to the topics of study. Avoid where possible, contact with humans, animals or objects that could arouse violent emotions in the student (eg, unwanted relatives, neighbors dogs, sportswriters, etc.).

Cut your nails to to avoid consumption. Before going to bed, we recommend re-plunge the head in a bucket of ice for at least thirty minutes. It is preferable to going to bed early, not after ten and with prior consumption of a generous helping of sleeping pills. It is strongly recommended to dream and to use rubber underwear to bed-wetting.


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