Friday, January 1, 2010

Vegetable Supplements

La Puerta del Cielo

"When you read this, probably, human bodies that have been taking have been found ... We will already have been several dozen of us. We have reached superhuman levels in distant space and now leave the bodies that we used in our efforts to return the world land where we came from. The task is complete. Distant space we refer to is what the literature calls the Kingdom of Heaven, or Kingdom of God. "
These words were spoken by Marshall Heffter Applewhite, aka" Do ", who was the spiritual leader of the sect called La Puerta del Cielo (Heaven's Gate) in a video sent to a former member of the cult. The tape informed about the decision "freely made" thirty-nine people who renounced human life.
However, his task was not complete. "The weed has invaded the garden and the loss is irreparable. It is time for civilization to be recycled, "said ministry worship through one of his many writings on your website. The followers of Heaven's Gate should leave their "containers" humans before the end approaching.
Its signal is Comet Hale-Bopp, who is the cosmic messenger who tells them when leaving. In an orderly manner, conscious of the cult members are willing to leave their bodies to be irradiated to the ship that came to the comet, which will take you to "their world better."
time immemorial past comets and meteorites that come across the sky land are synonymous with terror, catastrophe and disaster. In fact, the word "disaster" comes from the Greek "disaster" which means "against the stars." In English, the word "disaster" means "the unfavorable aspect of a planet or star." Through the ages, has been retained in humans that cause such terror such stellar monsters, each time at full speed across our sky, bringing with them a trail of apocalyptic scenarios, including in it, of course, the famous Weekend World.
The comet Halley was popular in early times, the muse of inspiration for great conquerors such as William the Conqueror, who, after seeing the comet, thought that this was "a good sign from heaven" to carry out the Norman invasion of England in 1066. In 1222, the cruel Chinese emperor Genghis Khan, inspired by Halley, who took over as a star, decided it was time to invade Europe, one of the bloodiest wars of conquest in history. Long before these events, in the ninth century, King Louis I of France, seeing the comet across the sky, he built hundreds of churches, which act as a possible refuge for angry God threatened to destroy humanity.
As if this were not enough, the Comets won the reputation of fathers and murderers, to announce the birth of the first Roman emperor Julius Caesar, and after his death. They also announced the fall of Jerusalem and the invasion of Attila the Hun to Gaul. Even Johannes Kepler, who tried the motion of planets, comets said were sent by the devil, without a possible mathematical explanation.
Like other comets Halley and above, the Hale-Bopp was to the Puerta del Cielo, the signal they were waiting for inspiration.
Since 1975, Heffter Marshall Applewhite and Bonnie Lu Nettles his wife served as spiritual guides for a group of people who believed and were obsessed with UFOs and beings from other worlds. In addition to their nomadic proselytizing and promoting conferences offered a kind of cult of ET, but over time their public presence and his fame was in decline, until they were anonymous, which would leave again in 1994 when some members of the sect began to appear again hailed
'm a new cult: a mixture of Christian messianism, millennialism and the belief in extraterrestrial beings, from the human upper worlds.
Applewhite, a music teacher, and Bonnie Lu Nettles, a nurse, met in 1972, realizing that the two felt an admiration mutual in astrology and reincarnation. Applewhite says the letter, published on the members of Heaven's Gate on the web: "In the early '70s, two members of the Kingdom of Heaven (or what you would call two strangers from space) incarnated in two humans in Houston ... and they realized they had been sent from space to perform a task that had something to do with the Bible. " But Nettles died of cancer in 1985, fifty-seven, "was separated from its human container and returned to the next level."
In a text published in 1996, the group says two thousand years ago, the Level Above Human beings, sent an elder member, Jesus, as his representative on earth to preach lessons to humans on how to enter the kingdom of heaven, but those who received the message just got it, because were dominated by evil beings and so they killed Jesus, transformed his teachings into a religion acute and country club. So in the '70s of the twentieth century, was sent a second group of older members, who incarnate in "containers" and again human and try to spread their teachings among humans. But they soon realized that recipients messages were still possessed by evil beings, evil beings from other worlds, eager to destroy humanity, which dominated the social and spiritual leaders, using all kinds of masks and subterfuge to hide the truth before God.
After a brief period of recognition mututo, former music teacher and nurse, in a retreat of Rouge River, Oregon, are illuminated by the conviction that the Two Witnesses of the Book of Revelations. Through Heavenly Father-UFOs-are means of transport and laboratories of the Kingdom of Heaven.
Both Applewhite and Nettles, like other members of the sect, had been coming to Earth from the 40s in spacecraft crashed into the planet's surface. After the extraterrestrial impacts, went out of their bodies to get into their "vehicles" humans, in order to carry out their work.
preparation for his return to Heaven, not only meant to leave the human body. Had to abandon everything that involve human sexuality (some of them had castrated), blood ties and emotional bonds with others. In fact, the mere act of eating meant only to keep the body until it was time to leave.
members of the sect, lived in a rented mansion in California, leading a life entirely unconnected with human relationships and motivations. They just waited for the ship that would take them back home permanently. "We know that only when we are in these physical vehicles (bodies) can learn the necessary lessons for our own individual transition, in addition to fulfilling our task to offer our civilization, the Kingdom of Heaven for the last time" (Our Position Against Suicide Heaven's Gate Web, March, 22).
In a "farewell message left behind who" signed by Drrody (all had changed their real names by others with a different sound: Wknody, Goldenody, Jwnody, etc.) Web page of the sect posed by the conditions needed to move to this kind of earthly paradise alien: "Those souls who demonstrate Commitment to the Next Level will be saved and planted back on Earth in a subsequent station or elsewhere equivalent to the globe to resume their lives where they left off. As far as we are concerned, we have completed our work on this site. That the time left is very short. I have no words to express how happy I am with our nearby home. It seems like that we take much time here, yet I know that from the perspective of the Next Level will be no more than half an hour. I just hope that my performance and effort are well regarded by the older members who respond and the older than these. "

The appearance of this famous comet attracted the attention of the world. From the first time, the Hale-Bopp was tried as a unique source data could provide valuable information about the knowledge of the galaxy. However, it was expected that the appearance of the comet in the sky Earth awaken those old feelings of terror and disaster wherever he went. Many of these hypotheses were published on the Internet. One of the most popular rumors about the Hale-Bopp, was that (according to the amateur astronomer Chuck Sharmek) the comet was being accompanied by an object larger than the planet Earth, who apparently threatened to destroy it.
The object was to comet proved to be a star. But for the members of the cult Heaven's Gate was unmistakable. Is This way they announced to the world via the Web: "The Hale-Bopp come 'accompanied' by a ship is not entirely irrelevant from our point of view. However, its safe arrival is of great significance for us in Heaven's Gate. The joy is that our older members in the Evolutionary Level Above Human has become clear that the appearance of Hale-Bopp is the signal we were waiting for. "
As a way of farewell, the cult members sent a former member of the two videos, a letter and a number of electronic files in announcing his departure. one of the videos, it was Marshall Applewhite Heffter shows in person, explaining the reasons that would lead to suicide: the souls of the townspeople, once released from their ground stations, to attend an appointment with a UFO traveling in the tail of the comet. On the other hand, other members of the sect were fired in the video showing in a calm, quiet and secure, making it known that "our free will, we have all chosen to ascend to the Next Level."
The bodies of the thirty-nine passenger-suicide, which included twenty-one women and eighteen men were found at Rancho Santa Fe mansion, on March 26, 1997 at 15:55 pm in the seven bedroom which included the house. The bodies were all lying on beds, cots and mattresses, face down, with short hair, arms at sides, black pants and long sleeved shirts and Nike tennis shoes. They had purple shrouds of them covered their faces and chests, except two, who carried a bag talk that they wrapped the head.
According to investigations, were assisted each other in separate groups of fifteen, the first day fifteen the second and the rest the third day. On pieces of paper that were on the side of the bodies, were the indications of the cause lethal mix of death: "Take applesauce, mix fenorbital and drink with alcohol (vodka), lie back and relax. " This combination, in sufficient quantities, can cause a slow death painless beginning with drowsiness, followed by coma and finally ends with the total collapse of the respiratory system.
deaths of members of the cult Heaven's Gate is recognized as a collective suicide, giving and the case closed. However, a week later, two former cult members said in a CBS television program that denigrated not having enough strength to continue in the cult, and join in their outcome, since it still believe in doctrine established by Applewhite. Less than two weeks later, another alleged former member of the sect, committed suicide in the same way they did their peers. The body was lying in bed and had a triangular purple shroud that covered his chest and face. He said the suicide note: "I am traveling to the comet Hale-Bopp to meet with those who have preceded me." U.S. officials, although they gave the case closed, and still fear that events are repeated, because there are still fans of the doctrine of Appleewhite, most of them receive this information via the Internet.


One of the elements that particularize the cult Heaven's Gate is the combination of darkness and science, religion and technology, which developed its cult. Were convinced not only come from a world with human-technological superiority, but also based on the global information network (World Wide Web) to publish his doctrine.
At its location in Rancho Santa Fe, Cult members had a business, Www Higher Source, which was devoted to the design of commercial websites for companies seeking a presence on the internet. And it was through the Internet, the cult published and defended his doctrine, which has attracted the attention of many: the way in which this medium, the epitome of development reached by the end of the millennium technology has also become a science and practical vehicle, quite apart from the scientific development that is based on the Internet.
For months before the events of Rancho Santa Fe, websites such as alt.conspiracy and sci.astro, published the rumor of supposed UFO that accompanied the Hale-Bopp and as astronomers announced the trajectory correction, the alarmists took it as evidence that, indeed, the comet was being driven by a higher intelligence. Recently, a self or agent of aliens, called Nancy, has given guidance, not less ominous presence of the Hale-Bopp, the comet is part of a conspiracy to divert attention from the "true harbinger of death" the Twelfth Planet, which has been sent to destroy Earth.
Fundamentalist Christians occupy other sites in the network, such as Bible, Prophesy Corner, raising that the presence of Hale-Bopp in the sky happened so near the end of the millennium, there can only be the biblical sign of the cataclysm that precedes the second coming of the Messiah. Elsewhere, the Angelic Conspiracy & End Times Deception, recognizes the comet as the sign in the sky under the Book of Ezekiel, who predicted a war in Israel and then a global cataclysm.
If surf from site to site on the Web, we can find dozens of catastrophic predictions, apocalyptic visions of all kinds, made of an equal number of sects and cults, which before, at most, could reach homes in your area, but now thanks to the huge web of information is the Internet, their predictions and doctrines can reach anywhere in the world. This means that the Internet, the largest media created by man is now used to promote a kind of science misinformation.

Final note: The website of the Gate of Heaven is open to visitors. To do this, you only need to enter . There can be accessed all the mad doctrine preached by Applewhite and his cult.


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