Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Replacemtns Hengtai

the last day.

Every day is like the last of my life.
When not only intellectually understands but you see, with absolute clarity that the past and future are only "real" because they are some concepts of the mind that arise at this time, life takes on a whole new dimension. Life, living, it becomes your highest priority, ie the time that we're seeing what is around, leaving nothing out.
You stop living in the past and present, so to speak, to return immediately to where you never went away, the place where everything happens, place that is your real home. And everything is new, fresh, lively, spontaneous, ever-changing. It's like a constant rebirth.
As the present moment is always new, which will be gone forever. Everything fades into the open space that you are and never a trace. The mere concept of "psychological baggage" is completely superfluous. Therefore, attention is focused totally on what is being done, the total action, fully involved, because there is no individual who is resisting what is happening. In this space open to the disappearance of all resistance, anything is possible. This is the source of all possibilities.
is so clear that only Now there is eternal ... Space exists only where it all happens: in fact, never mind what is really happening now because the now long enough and also welcomes all forms, with affection, without discrimination or prejudice. Therefore, always makes everything happen as it is happening because there is never anything out of place. Is the absolute freedom in the heart of life, unconditional love that binds everything, and that is what you are in essence.
This is the end of suffering because it is the end of the past, every moment is felt as if the first and the last of life, every day it felt as if it were the first and last. To the mind conditioned, this is very strange but for you, freedom is absolute. It's what everyone is looking but no one is. Is the lighting. Is liberation. And we already have, only that you have not noticed. No doubt, you're it.

Jeff Foster.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Best Town To Live Humboldt County

Top Five: The five worst adventure games I've played Close Encounters of the thirteenth

I think the title says it all, so we're going straight to the point.

Since number 5) Ringworld. It is assumed that is based on the famous novel to Larry Niven, but not nearly it seems, is like an entirely parallel and what más tonto que he visto. Además de aburrida. Al principio parece que te engancha, pero lueg o la tensión empieza a decaer y terminas jugando sólo para terminar de una vez.

Puesto número 4) PERMANENT DAYLIGHT. Seguro que no mucha gente la conoce. Es una aventura amateur que descargué una vez, hecha con el AGS (Adventure Game Studio) p or algún gamer no del todo brillante. Y hablando de aventuras tontas: esta es una completa estupidez. Un argumento de lo más estú pido y una resolución aún más estúpida. Creo que all you can say in its favor is that it takes more than fifteen minutes to reach the final and it is so easy that you can play with your eyes closed.

Since number 3) Call of Cthulhu: Shadow of the Comet . This game, based on HP Lovecraft's story is one of the worst "Gameplay" I've known. What to aim at an object and wait until you see the dotted line indicates that we can interact with é l is simply deplorable.

Since number 2) Ecstatic. A game that has some air Alone in th e D ark, but completely devoid of sense and with horrible graphics. If Alone in the D to rk, go íamos Carnby (and all the monsters) made a series of polygons here characters are a number of areas, ellipses and ovo ides attached to each other, giving them an aspect of string of sausages. Worst of all: the wolf that appears at the beginning of the game, beat us and beat us to kill us, again and again.

Since number 1) THE DARK HALF. It's weird, but it seems that most of what s ju egos based on novels (and movies based on novels) can not reach Siquia was on the heels of these. And that is the case with Dark Half. Not just because of incon gruenc ias plot, but above all by the bad gameplay and bugs that make the game crash again and again. could never finish it, even using the DOS Box. Actually, I do not even worth it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

What Is The Smallest All In One Printer?

domestic cleaners Orange County We live in public

Orange County Book cover Housecleaners
One of the books I liked most of which I read in the last few weeks has been Housecleaners Orange County, Frank Cancian. Professor Cancian, who is one of the most eminent figures of economic anthropology, has begun work on projects that combine visual anthropology depth interviews with stills. The book is the result Housecleaners Orange County of this new direction of research and publication and, although it focuses on seven women and their stories is a real tribute to the women who clean houses in the state of California. Professor Cancian explains that the project took place between 2001 and 2002, and his selection of women interviewed roughly illustrates the general demographic profile of women working at home cleaning houses in Orange County: Five of them are ' Latina ', ie women Latin American cultural heritage, and two originated in the state of California in the United States.

To locate the women who worked, Cancian began discussing the project with Esperanza Mejia, the woman who cleans his own house. She contacted her sister and her sister (wife of his brother.) Then, he spoke with his friends to locate the other four. Each interview was conducted in the original language of each lady, and then all the transcripts were translated into English. English, a translator again translated into English that had been made in this language, so that the interviewees do translations and commentaries, and edited the material. The interviews lasted about an hour each, although some respondents requested to add material either through other interviews, or recording directly themselves a voice recorder, alone. Frank Cancian asked them to tell their life, will talk about what they wanted and most important to them, and in particular relate to their work by cleaning houses.

The book consists of seven sections based on interviews with women, and photographs of themselves and their families. We showed the excellent relationship and trust Frank Cancian developed with these ladies, and the many hours spent (and, as I said, still going) with them, first as a researcher and then as a close friend. The researcher's warmth gives coherence and strength to the entire project. In the book, they will have very personal things and tell what they have suffered and what they have enjoyed in their work. Several were first living at home with nannies and their employers full time, but then decided to clean houses. In the photos displayed clearing houses, in their houses of worship and their families, or at public events related to them or their families.

Three of them were born in Guatemala, two in Mexico and two in the state of California. With the exception of one Guatemalan, both from Mexico and Guatemala came to the United States and illegal, crossing the river and the desert subject to the risks that await the undocumented workers in the United States. Each chapter of the book shows the great strength these women have had to face adversity. Usually their husbands have been treated badly, or because of them suspect without cause, or because they have been left to go with other women. Several of them are divorced and are in second or third marriage. Unfortunately, with few exceptions, men who are mentioned as partners of these women are villains in their stories, because they have suffered and sometimes abandoned altogether.

The women talk about their relationship with the school. One that came from Mexico complains of not having school. Two of those coming from Guatemala have been studied, and is now a hairdresser and beautician. The other chose not to work as a medical assistant, but was certified to do so, because the doctors who had treated her mother when she became ill in the United States were despotic and did for her all that should have been. One of the California native has a degree in Fine Arts, has worked with jewelers and artists as an assistant, and has its own graphics and artifacts she has designed and made. Another Californian explains that at the end of day is very tired, and though I like to study, thinks he must spend all his free time with her husband and their children. They also talk about their families, their husbands, how difficult it sometimes has been the relationships with daughters and sons, especially when they had to leave in Mexico or Guatemala for a while, then they can be brought to live with them. They speak of their religious faith and the joy they feel when they pray, dance or pray in temples. They talk about what they expect for themselves and their families in the future. Feel flattered that the people I work full trust in them. Are proud to be honored in support themselves and have kept faith with their families even under stress.

Each of the seven stories is very moving, for the pain and difficult times that these women have gone through, but also inspiring, because they all feel they have achieved great things and overcome enormous challenges and they all look with hope future.

This book is exemplary for those who do anthropology: the project was appropriate for women, and it is they who shine on every page. The anthropologist has remained, so far has been in the shadow and is illuminated only when they are asked to come to light. It's a great lesson Frank Cancian teacher, and hopefully know understand and follow.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Why Do Women Have The Purchasing Power?

TANKE studio2287

Friday, July 16, 2010

Megaman Stream Subbed Crunchyroll

short clip of propaganda We Live in Public

This week saw the movie We Live in Public, directed by Ondi Timoner (Interloper Films 2009 ). The film focuses on Josh Harris, a pioneer of what we now know as' live streaming on the Internet. Harris created the company in 1993 Jupiter, an online portal in which there were multiple channels television, several of them dedicated to different genres music. The portal collapsed in 2000, along with many others who were swept away by the disaster at that time. I confess that at that time I was one of those once in a while was connected to Jupiter, to hear and see, albeit rather figures were shadows semi-catatonic, and to all DJs and performers who appeared in the channels of this company. It was hard to listen to a piece of music or performance label in continuously, and it was impossible to see exactly what was happening in the channels of Jupiter, beyond a kind of shadow implied in successive frozen poses while The legend "buffering" appeared for long minutes between music segments. However, we can certainly consider Jupiter as one of the initiatives that later would lead us to what is now the network www.

Two of the most daring experiments, and more prophetic, as shown in the film, Josh Harris led, were the party / dystopian society Quiet and streaming We Live in Public . According to what Ondi Timoner documents, Quiet consisted of a social experiment / virtual in more than one hundred people came to live in a bunker in the city of New York, for 30 days, with cameras which recorded 24 hours a day what they did, from sleep to go to the bathroom. This experiment was cut early on first day of January 2000 by New York police after three weeks of continuous party in that drugs, guns, food, sex and, above all, the cameras were constant. The second experiment consisted in putting Harris on the Internet, streaming live through in their daily lives his girlfriend for six months.

Throughout the documentary is impossible not to think of MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and similar sites that have become part of everyday life for millions of people XXI century. The film makes us think, rather than perhaps any other film I've seen, how we live now necessarily in public. As Josh Harris says during the film, you do not have a website or have a page on Facebook: to communicate by email, go to the doctor, get a driver's license, get a credit card, pay our taxes, and practically run any activity characteristic of contemporary life, system unleashes 'profiles'.

Indeed, who among us has not felt a chill in the back when finished to send a message via webmail you get an announcement of something that relates to the content or the place of your message? This is a direct result of the system of 'profiles'. Who has not felt that suddenly your life is an open book when Facebook will suggest that you become friends with someone you had not been involved in more than one decade, but who definitely know?

The New York artist Brooke Singer has based many of his works on what she shows us is the contemporary methods of surveillance (see For example, to one of your projects created a bar in which to pay the credit card and consumers could read on your receipt of the card a number of their own data from their farm numbers (SSN in the U.S.), until their date of birth and other information that are supposedly confidential.

Michel Foucault, through his analysis of the panopticon, and Paul Virilio, with its ideas of absolute dromología and monitoring are two theorists, such as cyberpunk and writers, certainly presaged our contemporary condition of life under continuous monitoring instruments: As the film suggests Ondi Timotes XXI century all and we all live in public.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best Kate Playground

Today I wrote a song ...

- Today I wrote a song for me, I wrote you word.

- No rebellion possible if you have not gone through the prison of helplessness.

- Do not blur the nobility of silent pain, crying.

- Together or apart love is always a distance to cover.

- As the beach to wave, I can hold you, and wait.

- Come along and meet us, come with me to wonder, come with me to forget.

- Do not fight over your image in me, is the perfect image of me imagine.

- Just because your image carefully transported not stumble?

- Tell your story: today I have desires to listen.

- I want to know love. Lend me that feeling.

- Why are you crying your death if you never love your body?

- From nothing that I did a whole.

- If everything is in me, why do you need from me?

- And the drama is this: that my all does not go back to nothing.

- You know that makes me visible to your eyes?: That light that I view.

- If you could hear all that silent, I beg silently.

- Yesterday was not knowing why. Today I find, and I know why.

- Time destroys its cathedrals to accommodate our endless cathedrals. Male

who art on Earth.

do you see me today, to believe tomorrow.
You who pray with your cannon.
You, maverick, who does not just
life but also want it perfect.
you who want to convince you that I,
when it is you who must, be warned:
For one and only time I ordered the Chaos!

II Men who art on Earth. I'd rather not delay
more at home
in the house I've built.
That stumble over his feet and less with the soul.
That before the sky dream of land improvements.
Let me not to adjudicate the paternity
the world you've created
and leave in peace because peace
My son! are a
exceeded by your smallness.

skill to acquire all
up for unknown. And for your prisons

want me to do Bench.
that I glory to your Father
not be your executioner, I say:
All the prophecies of hate and destruction in my name
pronounced hatred
have failed.
And all the angry whips put in my hands,
returns them with the dew. Male

who art on Earth,
give me a break and listen.
disbelieve! Do your disbelief, right?
"begging for mercy? Who's do you have? Knives and guns!
Why mercy on your victims? if everything you own, what do
you ask?

you explain and decipher, who you impose it?
your knees. Do I believe in your knees?
Do you think left to do for you? Why do not you do it?
If you see me on earth or in heaven
. Neither your soul
see me who are you then?
do you you ask for your Creator? VI

Does the happiness after so is my work and I stop it?
Why did you put my name to the adversity of men?
Can you believe it's a God of death only to resurrect?
What can we agree if ever come to market? Male

who art on Earth. Because you dream

from the first day of light,
love that I do not want to give me

take it away to your brother. Alza
my Truth,
no fencing. And let

incense and myrrh, prayer and humiliation because

I have not died. VIII

Every time you stop fist
withdraw my hand.
For the names I invent your fear,
not answer.
not shield you in Me,
To hide from you.

I transfer your perfection and your stupidity.
And crucify your brother.
I do not exist on a cross. Male

who art on Earth, give me a break
and listen. I
over the millennia that succeeded
you to put up.
Do not you ask nothing in return and you
Everything! That
to learn to believe

descend on you with the forms of absence.
Yo, I could not stop that evil also

into the temples to pray and pray.
I know there are sins
pure invention of the idle
of virtue.
go with your silence That
trying to speak to you. Stop clinging
I am your God, your captive! X

Only a gesture to create the set.
And all eternity to wait for you
you understand?
The universe can exist without you, but very desolate
But it's your weakness that makes you eternal and eternal.
Cease, then threaten and threaten him on my behalf.
I'm unarmed! Because
ordered the Love as bread,
A hug with hate is a crucifixion.
So our men,
keeps repeating and repeating the tears. With the seas
enough! XI

Our Man on Earth you
and I so close, listen: You've been lied
not punishment.
I suffer.
Since my children
divide in faithful and infidels,
is hate. Therefore
descíframe within. Since my late
is the truth of my existence

and would not be, nor would God, if my life depended
only your decision. XII

I gave all my works.
only learned to be demolished. I hoped to Eternity
the fate of your soul
and the worm that of your flesh.
And I still refuse.
're made of light and shade
and I love you without separating.
I created to accompany me,
though, if you still maim the sword of hate,
Never! Never!
Maybe. . . You were more! XIII

For those who prosecute in my name
do on their behalf.
The favors that I ask
me accused.
The proud, whether they ignore me,
as those imposed on me. Those

you put blinders on to till their domains,
not mine.
Those who love justice only to possess,
not to share.
The cowards that instead of forgiving,
request that I do. Those clamoring litanies

instead of listening to my silence.
Those who exceeded by his zeal for Me,
forget the love there.
Those who taught and invented
fly bars.
Those left to their will,
approaching the Apocalypse. Forget
You and I, in silence, we have
Eternity built. Male

XIV who art on Earth,
Can you hear me yet?
Then come.
bad you've built your boat,
does not make me guilty of your wreck.
The Dispossessed by you grieve, I have not stripped
're perfect. You can believe and disbelieve
whenever you want.
Are you the pain and your joy.
Your crying does not move me.
moves me your strength.
And because I bow to
the infinite wisdom of innocence,
when the sun goes,
celebrate your first birthday.
But whatever you are,
give me the flower of your sincerity. E
Invite me to your life! What
because God would be helpless if there is only
to forgive! Male

XV who art on Earth,
give me a break and listen.
When I call a door, kneel.
When I decide to talk about knee flee.
want to admit talking
and confused. For all that

My son!
will see that lack of faith could foresee
the imagination, no. And if nothing
said light
unborn. Because

volatile and fickle men are like a river
playing to the thirst.
And many do not realize that are
like stars, but his soul
I am.

Nemer ibn El Baroud.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Images Of 3 Mean Women

Now! At this time. Beyond

Who are you?

Not who you think is, not your name, not their gender, and certainly not their beliefs, concepts, beliefs,
but who are you?

kids, or even adolescents, we can ask ourselves that question. But soon we teach who we are. We are indoctrinated into the insulation through the definition and categorization of our Who-ness. We forget who we are and that is concealed from misconceptions, desires, ideas, mythologies, and individuality. But what is it that remains before all ideas, all thoughts, prior even to the senses?

Inside your mind, you can have as many thoughts. Go through your mind, coming seemingly from nowhere to say think and believe. But where do they come?. Are you really thinking or being planned? All these thoughts just pop into mind and we hear, we see, we are aware of them. But who is aware of them?

If in your mind you creates an image, an image of something, something, like a tree, a cat, a house that image appears in your mind, but who is watching this picture?

That judge of thoughts, that he sees the pictures - that's you. It is the Witness, the Consciousness, the pure alertness.

You are NOT beliefs. And everything you think you are, is a belief, one concept. All his ideas about the nature of the world, what you like or dislike, what you are, what God is, what is the best political or religious, what is the meaning of life, because life is a success or failure-these are ideas. They are not and have never been what you are. Points are illuminated with different shades on the light of pure consciousness. I do believe he is happy or sad, you are good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate. But you're never none of these things. What you is Free. Who You are is all. Who are you is a drop of consciousness is Infinite Consciousness of all existence, or what some call God. Yes, you are That there alone, of which everything arises, and what it all comes back. But you focus on objects floating in the ocean's surface, rather than recognizing that you are the ocean itself.

Perhaps however you seek to know the truth, end suffering and to experience enlightenment. Enlightenment is another concept. It is the opposite of captivity, slavery exists in the realm of duality, of opposites in the land of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. These are names that we created to act in unfamiliar territory. That's fine, but you are not the territory. You are You, and that has never been captured and will never be lit. As always, pure consciousness.

At this time,

Where are you?

where no is his body, or even where you are inside your body. But that awareness, that awareness, the witness who is experiencing these words, thoughts and images arise in his mind. Where is that witness? That is you. Where are you? If you really want, no concepts, not find it. Who is looking? The seeker is looking for himself! How absurd! But you're convinced that you are not you and therefore looking for more elsewhere. But the real you have no time or place. All you can say is "I'm Here." But that 'here' has no location. It's just an awareness that there is a happening somewhere in a 'here-ness' that is all space.

When you say "I", who do you mean?

"I'm sad"

"I'm confused"

"I am a seeker of Truth"

None of this is true. IDs are ideas, feelings and concepts, but not what you are. It would be better to say: "I am aware and there is unhappiness arising within that awareness."

"I am aware and I am identifying with confusion emerging within the mind within that awareness. "

" I am aware and I am identifying with a belief that I am not yet perfect and I'm looking for something more that may arise elsewhere that will make my perfect mind. "



... Abandon all beliefs.

Separate yourself from your body / mind and stay as Pure Consciousness. Do not try to stop your mind. Do not try to do anything. is to try and find and submit to such frenzy that makes it unhappy. Leave all that. Stay Pure Consciousness, now, now, and the confusion is gone, the sadness is gone, slavery is gone, the fear is gone, the limitation is gone. Yes, the mind can say something. Thoughts may arise. But you are not thoughts. You are not feelings. You are Pure Consciousness. You are free to all concepts.

Are you seeking spiritual experiences? You are not the experiences. The experiences are phenomena. The events come and go, but you are always the witness of all experience and all phenomena. You want to see God. The experience of seeing God may come and go but you are always witness to all experiences and phenomena. Witness the state of being, that Absolute Pure Consciousness itself is no different than anything you could conceive of as God. Do not underestimate this. Not evaluated at all. Abandon any assessment, any view, any intellectualization and stay in peace than you are.

Awakening Are you looking for? While you are looking for you will never find. You can not be a seeker and who is at the same time. You must give up your search. You must give up their effort. You must give up all that is the real nature of mind and intellect. What is before that?. Only Pure consciousness without an object. Can not be known or attained because it is the Knower, the Knowledge. Abandon all concepts and just rest on that.

What you believe you are are concepts. It is his personal mythology in which you are the hero / heroine. But this is a story based on an assumption that there is individual as a reflection in the mirror. It's just an appearance. A case of mistaken identity. Do not be fooled more. It's like watching a movie and think you're the star. But it is only light on a screen that gives the appearance of people and personalities. Recognize the projector, which is the pure light of consciousness itself. Only then can you be happy and free from all desires and anxieties (which are also only an illusion).



Realize ...

That's just one thing.

is the light of consciousness playing in infinite variety. In India, this is called Lila, the play of God. God is one without a second. That means that there is nothing after God (Brahman, the Divine Spiritual Source - the names do not matter). Not that anyone is as good as God or as powerful as God, or has been in second place in the race with God. There is nothing except God. How could I? All life comes from life. All existence comes from Existence. All that is comes from what IS. So, whatever you are seeing, feeling, thinking, experimenting ... whatever you are seeing, feeling, thinking, experimenting ... and acts to see, feel, think and experiment for themselves .. . All of this is the One, the Divine, Sacred Source, God. So as you can see that everything on Earth is simply transformed land-land or hills, valleys, mountains, trees, flowers, animals and people, and look at all that is seemingly transformed into multiple forms.

What is that all? Can not be named. It is beyond all names and concepts. It is absolute emptiness and fullness. It is the beginning, middle and end. You can give the name you want, but you run the risk of limitations in your mind and create a concept that fits their needs. Then you will put inside the small box from his mind in an attempt to grasp the ungraspable. Do not give names and forms, but dive into the unknowable. Gently slide into the abyss that lies beyond the small scope of the mind.

Many call it God. And God is as good a name as any other but you must give up all its concepts of 'God' in order to realize that. In any concepts you have about God, God, Christ, Buddha, Emptiness, Fullness, should resign, at this time, to fully recognize the truth. Because how can you experience what is truth if you keep your own expectations of Reality?. Down their own knowledge, and then dive deep into the abyss of ignorance.


At this time,

Know that everything is perfect


is perfect exactly as it is at this time. There is nothing that needs to be changed, nothing that needs to be healed, and everything is exactly as it should be. How could it be any different? Do you doubt that the Divine is taking place on the One Thing that is all right now? Psychics, healers, classes, seminars, gurus, teachers will not do to you or the perfect moment. So stop searching. Perfection is that you already are. You are perfection personified. You is peace personified. You are Love personified. There is nothing to add or subtract.

When you recognize that you are Absolute Consciousness, you will see that there is nothing more. There is no good or bad, and that everyone and everything is a manifestation of That. It is Absolute Consciousness, manifesting itself perfectly to the great drama of cosmic creation. Whatever arises is just more of that. Thoughts, emotions, feelings are all part of that. Experience them without judging them, no desire to keep or no aversion to them. See with the eye of equity that all is That.

In the beginning, may not seem easy. There may be frustration, confusion, and helplessness. But recognize that these things are just emerging. They are not you. You are the witness of these surges. Just look in Who are you, and do not identify with anything that arises. Just re-examine the witness who is from that experience. Even if there is extreme ecstasy, who is experiencing it? If there is a powerful emerging power, who is experiencing it? If there are sublime visions of deities, who are experiencing it? Ecstasy can come and go, the energy can come and go, the visions may come and go, but you are always here now, at this moment, forever. That is what is permanent. That is what is real. Everything else is phenomenal and changing.

Rest on That and you are eternally free.



How To Put Cheats In Shiny Gold

Paper on images and imagination of the Yucatan

usually in and out of Yucatan it is believed that this Mexican state is a peculiar, not exactly 'Mexico' but also 'out' of Mexico. "Yucatecan culture 'is perceived as different from the" Mexican culture,' but generally it is difficult to pinpoint why or how. However, in Yucatan music, regional cuisine, theater, novels 'manners' and 'ruins' left behind by 'Maya' are identified as insistence important markers of difference with the rest of regional country and perhaps other regions of the world.

Outside the Yucatecan migrants and proudly repeat "When the world ends, I return to Yucatan. "Meanwhile, in the world in general, and the Yucatan state their relevance to the state in various ways. For example, in Facebook there is an exchange of 'gifts Yucatan' which includes icons of 'the Yucatan. "What is appealing Yucatan, of holding in, the singular? analyzing every facet of regional identity and regionalism, we must ask: • How is this vision?" How is sustained over time?

This July 2010 publication of the book Cultural Representations: Images and imagination of the Yucatan. (Mérida: Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, 2010), edited by Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz and Gabriela Vargas Cetina. The book is a direct result of the monthly seminar discussion of our faculty. We address here just some of those elements that constitute what in this state is considered an intrinsic part of 'the Yucatan "and analyze the image as projected Yucatan and to the Yucatan, and the rest of the country and the world. The book's contents is: Introduction

: Anthropology and images and imagination of the Yucatan, by Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz and Gabriela Vargas Cetina; Chapter 1 . The island is not like another: Narrative Yucatan between desire and imagination, Shrimpton Margaret Manson, Chapter 2. Cookbooks: The representation of the Yucatan in the culinary imagination of Steffan Igor Ayora Diaz; Chapter 3 . Pictures of Yucatan and 'the Yucatan' in the song texts Yucatan, 1944-2007, Gabriela Vargas Cetina; Chapter 4. Yucatan and the Yucatan in the tourist market: self-representations from the photograph, Francisco Fernández Repetto; Chapter 5. Racism and representations: "The Yucatan" on local television, Eugenia Iturriaga, Chapter 6. Staging the Subject in Recent Mestiza Teathre Yucatan, Tamara Underiner, and Chapter 7 . Image paratextual identity and representation: Books, newspapers and magazines in Yucatan, Maria Dolores Almazán Ramos.

welcome the appearance of the first tangible product of our research seminar. We appreciate the support of the Autonomous University, Faculty of Anthropological Sciences, and all the people who helped us during the integration project and production of this book.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Silverdaddies Gay Chat Gay Live

In Viladecavalls Festival begins today in Trias Can residents have a week without water, and no one wants to explain, or admit complaint

give no explanation or support complaints, of course. Mine waters Terrassa, a consortium of City Hall as part of the town, gives no explanation of why the residents of Trias Can take a week longer suffer from water shortages, and a manifest lack of pressure. Pick up the phone from time to time, but neither apologize nor report, nor do they support claims or complaints. Menudo customer service.

These heats the situation we are subjected Can neighbors of Trias is unacceptable, that this monopoly is that each year raises rates above those paid in Terrassa, but improvements can not be seen . Up what point they think they can have people uninformed and without water, do not being in Terrassa makes us second class citizens?.

And the shamelessness of losing thousands of gallons of water a day, when just last year required a brutal slaughter families in saving water. A tiresome propaganda that comes from this company, to make the consumption of water a sustainable, when happily squandered them.

And you do to remedy the City Hall, Mayor Mrs. Regina Parellada and equipment Unió, "which governs the municipal government made the move since the betrayal of its convergent mayor a year ago-for focus to prepare their festival, because it, and have not decentralized to allow her to participate in developments, and worry about making sure your holiday bookings.
of track works companies do have never said anything, on the other hand all of Unió governing under the banner of CIU, Can not live in Trias.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Temporary Paper Drivers License

Assies Willem, in memoriam In memoriam Willem

By Wil Pansters

It is with great sadness that we bring you the news of the sudden and untimely death of Willem Assies, a longstanding member of CERES and a prominent member of the scholarly community of Latin Americanists in the Netherlands. He was only 55 years old.

Originally trained as an  anthropologist, Willem Assies developed into a wide-ranging, critical and outspoken scholar of contemporary Latin America. He did research and published about peasantry and rural economies, urban social movements, citizenship, politics, democratization, and, in recent years, about indigenous movements and rights. He lived and worked in Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Mexico, Ecuador, and Chile. Undoubtedly one of the most prolific and hard-working scholars of his generation, he had a special talent for theoretical debate and languages. His command of the literature was extraordinary.

Willem Assies was also quite a character: straightforward, at times uncompromising, but always in for a conversation about his beloved Latin America or his other personal interests. He was wary of all forms of pomp, formalistic ritual and new forms of higher education management. An engaged citizen of the world and an avid traveller, he built an impressive global network of colleagues and friends and was widely recognized as an eminent scholar. Dutch academic institutions never managed to fully appreciate Willem's enormous academic potential, quality and achievements.

We wish his partner Gemma van der Haar, Laura Willemijn daughter, family, friends and colleagues all the strength Needed to cope with the loss of Willem.

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Assies, 1954-2010

Ton Salman

On May 22 he died, too early and suddenly, the Dutchman Willem Assies known Latin Americanist. He had 55. It is an irreplaceable loss to the world of studies on the continent, within the Netherlands but also beyond. Willem Assies was a prolific political anthropologist and worked at several universities in Holland, but he was a teacher and researcher, often a guest in Mexico, Guatemala, Spain, Germany, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Brazil and Bolivia. His subjects were neighborhood organizations, social movements, indigenous rights, land disputes and territories, decentralization policies, management policies and local, ethnic political parties, sustainable management of tropical forests, democratization and civil rights. And conducted studies on Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Chile and Bolivia. Published in Portuguese, French, English, Dutch, and English. He wrote four books, was editor of six collections of articles, and published over one hundred articles, often in prestigious journals. Oversaw six projects PhD, mostly in Latin America - and at the time of his death all these activities were in full swing. Death surprised him and a few others.

Willem Assies, however, will not be remembered only for its publications and its impressive track record. It will also be remembered for his personality, at once irascible and friendly, grumpy and entertaining, and being good refractory to all protocol and formality. Willem was also very hospitable, no matter where home was, there were always people talking, sleeping, eating and drinking, and having fun in it. Willem Assies was bohemian and a tireless worker, and his energy was because of envy and admiration for all who knew him.

Although almost never been an explicit theme in discussions with him, all his research efforts had a common denominator: the subject, unalterably, was the effort to give voice to the underdog, to look for human dignity and justice. Underneath an apparent bite, a big heart lataba humanist, and hid a constant search for strategies that subordinates could improve their lives, could make self-respect and respect for others, to fight if necessary. Willem was not utopian, he knew the world and history were too illogical and quota for that paradise could be done. However, in his view, did not mean that it would have to throw in the towel: the fight for dignity and worth justice, no matter how contradictory and capricious human effort and the course of history was. So, when he wrote about Bolivia, wrote about the struggles and paradoxes of the struggles of social movements, indigenous rights and community justice, on the wars of the gas and water, and the efforts of poor voice achieved and vote in national politics.

In Willem Assies, researchers on the continent and Bolivia lost a colleague, a inspiring author and scholar, and a prolific researcher and engaged. And many lost a willing but very loyal and dear friend.

Ton Salman, 2010

Monday, July 5, 2010

What Does Ring Worm Look Like On Skin Shoulder?

Post-Structural Social Theory 2010 in


Required Course in the Bachelor of Social Anthropology
60 hours
Department of Anthropology
Autonomous University of Yucatan

Dr. Gabriela Vargas Cetina
September to December 2010

The aim of this course and is to give students basic training in the post-structural social theory, and its current importance in anthropology and popular culture.

Specific objectives
Specific objectives of the course are (1) texts and discuss important concepts of post-structural theory of Michel Foucault to Judith Butler, (2) follow the path of these texts in anthropological texts and popular culture, and (3) understand some of the implications of this theoretical aspect for sociocultural analysis.

course format
The course is structured into six modules that explore the thought and influence of key thinkers of the post-structural theory. The course will take the form of a discussion seminar. expected the informed participation and students. this course is not considered an exhaustive compendium of materials relevant to the post-structural theory in anthropology, but only an introduction to discussions relevant to anthropology, as our discipline has developed over the past three decades (1980-2010 .)

The course will be evaluated through class participation, which will have 10% of the final grade, the answers to five questions, written for 30 minutes at the start the relevant meeting, which will have 50% of the total score and writing two essays of 1500 words each, plus bibliography, will have 40% of the final grade, according to the following list:

* Participation: 10% of the final grade
* Questions : 10% each for a total of 50%
* mid-course test : 20%. This essay is based on the novel The Neuromancer by William Gibson, or the novel Oryx and Crake by Margaret Attwood, or The left hand of darkness , Ursula LeGuin, and must reference least 10 of the works discussed during the first half of the course.
* Final test : 25%. This essay is based on the book Global Culture Industry, Scott Lash and Celia Lury (classification GN 33. F57 2003 in the library of the Department of Anthropology) or in the book Emergent Forms of Life and the Anthropological Voice , Michael Fischer (classification GN 33. F57 2003 in the library of the Department of Anthropology) . is expected that at least 20 of the materials discussed during the course to be used in drafting of this work. The test will be given at the respective date as the scheduling of examinations of School Control department of the Faculty of Anthropological Sciences at the Autonomous University of Yucatan.

Other options assessment: mid-course tests and end of the course may be substituted for performances in teams, informed by course materials, or work of fiction. these trials may be filed by a dance, a play, a video or a website. Each of these media, however, must be accompanied by a script, produced by the team, explaining the relationship between performance and site and course materials. For works of fiction, they consist of a story and a script explaining the relationship between the story and course materials, and may be carried out individually.

The drafting of the tests, please follow the instructions to write essays in our Faculty anthropological , located in representacionesculturales / Ayora-Diaz / instructions-for-writing-essays-in-anthropology


Special Consideration: Special consideration will have 30 points, which will be added to the points made in the regular course. must have obtained at least 40 points during the course to gain access to special examination.

Friday, July 2, 2010

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The IV Belt, a round to fit the interests of Terrassa

the stretch was inaugurated Terrassa-Viladecavalls, i the environmental movement would not be happy, but no opposition, including those of IC-V, let their representatives in Viladecavalls, which merely identify that things have gone wrong, "that is true, and here recently. A poor excuse to cover up years of criticism but little or no action.
Connect to this effect with his colleagues of CKD, which also indicated that they no longer could do anything, hide (ERC and IC-V) that can not do anything is a tribute paid by their presence in the Government , the famous tripartite. If now they are ruling a country, as they say, can do nothing, it seems clear that they are incapable, inept, or defending interests away from the needs of people.
Who comes out ahead in this story of IV Belt has been Terrassa, its people and its government. We have come a free round that was what they wanted for a long that they were exercising the voice saying that the infrastructure was good for Catalunya. And also have to accommodate the project to their interests have thought many times as necessary.
politicians Terrassa, essentially the PSC have a predatory imperialist policy regarding the locations of the environment. In any case it curran although they almost always marked cards. As a Viladecavalls
been denied bread and salt, in the adaptations of the project, the variables that could improve or at least animorar the brutal impact on our territory and its population centers as Trias Can or Can Turu.
Serfdom mayors of infrastructure projects from the Government or the State Government imposed on us has only had a clear answer from the mayor of Viladecavalls, the short period of time exercised by Sebastian Homs, it was electioneering safe, but forced the Ministry of Development to stand and having to meet the demands, too.
Her successor, Regina Parellada, despite disagreeing, is and has been unable to defend the territorial interests of those affected. And leave it for as long as the photo does not have any problem with the water dance, who with his decisions have hurt and harm to our population.