Connect to this effect with his colleagues of CKD, which also indicated that they no longer could do anything, hide (ERC and IC-V) that can not do anything is a tribute paid by their presence in the Government , the famous tripartite. If now they are ruling a country, as they say, can do nothing, it seems clear that they are incapable, inept, or defending interests away from the needs of people.
Who comes out ahead in this story of IV Belt has been Terrassa, its people and its government. We have come a free round that was what they wanted for a long that they were exercising the voice saying that the infrastructure was good for Catalunya. And also have to accommodate the project to their interests have thought many times as necessary.
politicians Terrassa, essentially the PSC have a predatory imperialist policy regarding the locations of the environment. In any case it curran although they almost always marked cards. As a Viladecavalls
been denied bread and salt, in the adaptations of the project, the variables that could improve or at least animorar the brutal impact on our territory and its population centers as Trias Can or Can Turu.
been denied bread and salt, in the adaptations of the project, the variables that could improve or at least animorar the brutal impact on our territory and its population centers as Trias Can or Can Turu.
Serfdom mayors of infrastructure projects from the Government or the State Government imposed on us has only had a clear answer from the mayor of Viladecavalls, the short period of time exercised by Sebastian Homs, it was electioneering safe, but forced the Ministry of Development to stand and having to meet the demands, too.
Her successor, Regina Parellada, despite disagreeing, is and has been unable to defend the territorial interests of those affected. And leave it for as long as the photo does not have any problem with the water dance, who with his decisions have hurt and harm to our population.
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