Sunday, July 11, 2010

Images Of 3 Mean Women

Now! At this time. Beyond

Who are you?

Not who you think is, not your name, not their gender, and certainly not their beliefs, concepts, beliefs,
but who are you?

kids, or even adolescents, we can ask ourselves that question. But soon we teach who we are. We are indoctrinated into the insulation through the definition and categorization of our Who-ness. We forget who we are and that is concealed from misconceptions, desires, ideas, mythologies, and individuality. But what is it that remains before all ideas, all thoughts, prior even to the senses?

Inside your mind, you can have as many thoughts. Go through your mind, coming seemingly from nowhere to say think and believe. But where do they come?. Are you really thinking or being planned? All these thoughts just pop into mind and we hear, we see, we are aware of them. But who is aware of them?

If in your mind you creates an image, an image of something, something, like a tree, a cat, a house that image appears in your mind, but who is watching this picture?

That judge of thoughts, that he sees the pictures - that's you. It is the Witness, the Consciousness, the pure alertness.

You are NOT beliefs. And everything you think you are, is a belief, one concept. All his ideas about the nature of the world, what you like or dislike, what you are, what God is, what is the best political or religious, what is the meaning of life, because life is a success or failure-these are ideas. They are not and have never been what you are. Points are illuminated with different shades on the light of pure consciousness. I do believe he is happy or sad, you are good or bad, fortunate or unfortunate. But you're never none of these things. What you is Free. Who You are is all. Who are you is a drop of consciousness is Infinite Consciousness of all existence, or what some call God. Yes, you are That there alone, of which everything arises, and what it all comes back. But you focus on objects floating in the ocean's surface, rather than recognizing that you are the ocean itself.

Perhaps however you seek to know the truth, end suffering and to experience enlightenment. Enlightenment is another concept. It is the opposite of captivity, slavery exists in the realm of duality, of opposites in the land of the fruit of knowledge of good and evil. These are names that we created to act in unfamiliar territory. That's fine, but you are not the territory. You are You, and that has never been captured and will never be lit. As always, pure consciousness.

At this time,

Where are you?

where no is his body, or even where you are inside your body. But that awareness, that awareness, the witness who is experiencing these words, thoughts and images arise in his mind. Where is that witness? That is you. Where are you? If you really want, no concepts, not find it. Who is looking? The seeker is looking for himself! How absurd! But you're convinced that you are not you and therefore looking for more elsewhere. But the real you have no time or place. All you can say is "I'm Here." But that 'here' has no location. It's just an awareness that there is a happening somewhere in a 'here-ness' that is all space.

When you say "I", who do you mean?

"I'm sad"

"I'm confused"

"I am a seeker of Truth"

None of this is true. IDs are ideas, feelings and concepts, but not what you are. It would be better to say: "I am aware and there is unhappiness arising within that awareness."

"I am aware and I am identifying with confusion emerging within the mind within that awareness. "

" I am aware and I am identifying with a belief that I am not yet perfect and I'm looking for something more that may arise elsewhere that will make my perfect mind. "



... Abandon all beliefs.

Separate yourself from your body / mind and stay as Pure Consciousness. Do not try to stop your mind. Do not try to do anything. is to try and find and submit to such frenzy that makes it unhappy. Leave all that. Stay Pure Consciousness, now, now, and the confusion is gone, the sadness is gone, slavery is gone, the fear is gone, the limitation is gone. Yes, the mind can say something. Thoughts may arise. But you are not thoughts. You are not feelings. You are Pure Consciousness. You are free to all concepts.

Are you seeking spiritual experiences? You are not the experiences. The experiences are phenomena. The events come and go, but you are always the witness of all experience and all phenomena. You want to see God. The experience of seeing God may come and go but you are always witness to all experiences and phenomena. Witness the state of being, that Absolute Pure Consciousness itself is no different than anything you could conceive of as God. Do not underestimate this. Not evaluated at all. Abandon any assessment, any view, any intellectualization and stay in peace than you are.

Awakening Are you looking for? While you are looking for you will never find. You can not be a seeker and who is at the same time. You must give up your search. You must give up their effort. You must give up all that is the real nature of mind and intellect. What is before that?. Only Pure consciousness without an object. Can not be known or attained because it is the Knower, the Knowledge. Abandon all concepts and just rest on that.

What you believe you are are concepts. It is his personal mythology in which you are the hero / heroine. But this is a story based on an assumption that there is individual as a reflection in the mirror. It's just an appearance. A case of mistaken identity. Do not be fooled more. It's like watching a movie and think you're the star. But it is only light on a screen that gives the appearance of people and personalities. Recognize the projector, which is the pure light of consciousness itself. Only then can you be happy and free from all desires and anxieties (which are also only an illusion).



Realize ...

That's just one thing.

is the light of consciousness playing in infinite variety. In India, this is called Lila, the play of God. God is one without a second. That means that there is nothing after God (Brahman, the Divine Spiritual Source - the names do not matter). Not that anyone is as good as God or as powerful as God, or has been in second place in the race with God. There is nothing except God. How could I? All life comes from life. All existence comes from Existence. All that is comes from what IS. So, whatever you are seeing, feeling, thinking, experimenting ... whatever you are seeing, feeling, thinking, experimenting ... and acts to see, feel, think and experiment for themselves .. . All of this is the One, the Divine, Sacred Source, God. So as you can see that everything on Earth is simply transformed land-land or hills, valleys, mountains, trees, flowers, animals and people, and look at all that is seemingly transformed into multiple forms.

What is that all? Can not be named. It is beyond all names and concepts. It is absolute emptiness and fullness. It is the beginning, middle and end. You can give the name you want, but you run the risk of limitations in your mind and create a concept that fits their needs. Then you will put inside the small box from his mind in an attempt to grasp the ungraspable. Do not give names and forms, but dive into the unknowable. Gently slide into the abyss that lies beyond the small scope of the mind.

Many call it God. And God is as good a name as any other but you must give up all its concepts of 'God' in order to realize that. In any concepts you have about God, God, Christ, Buddha, Emptiness, Fullness, should resign, at this time, to fully recognize the truth. Because how can you experience what is truth if you keep your own expectations of Reality?. Down their own knowledge, and then dive deep into the abyss of ignorance.


At this time,

Know that everything is perfect


is perfect exactly as it is at this time. There is nothing that needs to be changed, nothing that needs to be healed, and everything is exactly as it should be. How could it be any different? Do you doubt that the Divine is taking place on the One Thing that is all right now? Psychics, healers, classes, seminars, gurus, teachers will not do to you or the perfect moment. So stop searching. Perfection is that you already are. You are perfection personified. You is peace personified. You are Love personified. There is nothing to add or subtract.

When you recognize that you are Absolute Consciousness, you will see that there is nothing more. There is no good or bad, and that everyone and everything is a manifestation of That. It is Absolute Consciousness, manifesting itself perfectly to the great drama of cosmic creation. Whatever arises is just more of that. Thoughts, emotions, feelings are all part of that. Experience them without judging them, no desire to keep or no aversion to them. See with the eye of equity that all is That.

In the beginning, may not seem easy. There may be frustration, confusion, and helplessness. But recognize that these things are just emerging. They are not you. You are the witness of these surges. Just look in Who are you, and do not identify with anything that arises. Just re-examine the witness who is from that experience. Even if there is extreme ecstasy, who is experiencing it? If there is a powerful emerging power, who is experiencing it? If there are sublime visions of deities, who are experiencing it? Ecstasy can come and go, the energy can come and go, the visions may come and go, but you are always here now, at this moment, forever. That is what is permanent. That is what is real. Everything else is phenomenal and changing.

Rest on That and you are eternally free.




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