Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eye Wrinkles From Dslr


D-How I can control the mind?

M-If you perform the Self there is no mind control. The Self shines their light when the mind vanishes. The man made no matter what the mind is active or inactive, the only thing that exists is the Self. For the mind, body and the world are not something apart from himself, and can not remain apart from the Self. Are they different from the Self? When aware of the Self, why should one worry about the shadows? How does affect the Self?

D-If the mind is but a shadow, how are we to know the Self?

M-The Self is the Heart, which in and of itself luminous. The illumination comes from the heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world looks with the mind, ie you see the world through the reflected light of the Self. The world is perceived by an act of the mind. When the mind is enlightened, it realizes the world when it is not well lit, not aware of the world.
If the mind is turned inward, toward the light source, objective knowledge ceases, and only the Self shines as the heart.
The moon shines by reflecting light from the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is used to reveal the objects. When the sun rises, no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky. The same applies to the mind and heart. What makes it useful to mind is the reflected light, used to view objects. When it turns inward, is becoming the source of light that shines by itself, and the mind is, then, as the moon during the day.
When it is dark, you need a lamp that gives light. But when the sun has risen, there is no need for light, objects are visible. And to see the sun light is not required, it is enough to to turn the eyes towards the sun light and of itself. The same goes for the mind to see objects the reflected light is necessary for the mind. To see the Heart is enough that the mind is turned towards him. Then, the mind and the heart has its own glittering.

Ramana Maharshi.


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