Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shiny Stone Action Replay Heart Gold

When I try to back ... Check

When I try to go back to where the light comes apparently, to that place where we say that the eyes are not really find anything, there is only one space there, an emptiness, which is apparently full of light . What is light but another form of energy? That light is a vibration very, very subtle and a bit when it condenses, it becomes apparent in the field. Form a model, a crust around the essence that you are, like lava from a volcano. That is what this body. It is that same light, apparently solidified. When you get to verify this, what is the cause of your bondage, self-centeredness, go away by itself. The conclusion that emerges from this understanding is that if I am that consciousness like space, then there really a center. What also emerges from this is that there can be no separation between the body and anything else that appears, just as there is no separation between what appears and that same consciousness as the space in which all things appear . All is one.
When we think of an "I" always imagine a center in this space from which all things are. But I ask you what school can be in this space? Does anyone can point me or find a center in this space? It is impossible. And if there is no center in this space how this model of "I" apparently could have a substantial center or exist by itself? And if there is no "I" substantial or having an independent nature, as previously supposed "From where are you seeing?
As a vacuum, there is no point of reference in which to place this experience. There is no entity that can be attributed nothing happens.
can not say that such and such happened to me. And if this were the case, where would I locate that experience?
But all these experiences seem to happen to this "me" that I had emerged as the center the experiment. Seemed to happen in particular for this apparent way I thought it was.
This "me" is very insecure and vulnerable because they see themselves alone and separately. Has a mental image of yourself and if you think of any experience that does not fit the image itself, then feel fear, resentment and self pity. Take the experience as something personal, as if it happened to that guy who thinks he is. And if he does something or if something is done through him when he thinks he should not be done, you feel guilty, ashamed and remorseful.
Take a look at your personal experience and see if what I'm saying is true or not. See if your problems
are caused by the erroneous belief in a separate entity, an entity that can function on its own. Does this organization have any substance or independent nature? Cuestionadlo, come and see it for yourselves. See how all suffering is caused by ourselves to think that things should happen differently for this "me" who think we are. Then, check that there is no "me", there is nothing at all. There is nothing that can operate by itself or there with an independent nature. This reference point of a "me", that "me" to whom everything seems to be feeding going on, it's just a mental image I have. It is only conceptual, is based on beliefs.
So what happens after finding all this? It happens that I deleted the limitations, I removed the borders. Removing them, I kept what I was always that this "natural state", this "natural function."
function is the same is happening in all this "look", from the smallest subatomic particle to the most distant galaxy, every where, every when, every time and place. That is all and only.

"Sailor" Bob Adamson.


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