Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Wella Shampoo Good?


The music research, from anthropology is from the musicology and from the performing arts, generally resulting in a wealth of recordings that later, if not organized, are difficult catalog. In fact, even if they are cataloged, records are difficult to access. For example, recordings of Frances Densmore (1867-1957) among indigenous groups in North America, and those of his contemporary, Bela Bartok (1881-1945) in the Balkans, for example, were made in metal cylinders which now are housed in archives and museums: the Frances Densmore Maori are in part at the Library of Congress of the United States, metal discs to the same investigative records transferred. Alan Lomax (1915-2002), another great collector, using metal discs which were recorded at the time during their field trips, when he recorded thousands of hours of music in the United States and Europe. His recordings and notes are also now in the Library of Congress of the United States. To view these collections was necessary in all cases, until recent years, travel to these venues and obtain proper permits and learn to use these old technologies.

Fortunately for those who love music and live far from those files, there are at least three excellent internet files that can be accessed for free: The Museum of the Smithsonian Folkways site (http:/ / www.folkways.si.edu/ ), Bartok System Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ( http://www.zti.hu/bartok/ba_en.htm ), and now File Bengal Music Traveler ( http://thetravellingarchive.org/home.php ). The latter is still being enhanced music by Moushumi Bhowmik composer and with the assistance of recording engineer Sukanto Majumdar. The three are a bit difficult to navigate, as is widely expected that those seeking something out there already know what you are looking for. However, with a little dedication and attention you can find real treasures, including transcriptions of Bartok score and Densmore as well as photographs taken by Lomax and equipment Bhowmik / Majumdar. Smithsonian Folkways site offers the possibility to buy 9.99 USD entire albums of music in its catalog.

Some exciting projects have already emerged from these files, such as disk The Bartok Album Muzsicas Group (Hannibal 1999), which includes several recordings of Bartok orginales with current versions of these same parts. There's also the fantastic documentary Songhunter Lomax (Rounder Europe 2008), the director Rogier Kappers, who retracing the steps of Lomax by the United States and Europe to hear the original materials to the musicians who were registered or In some cases, to their descendants. Likewise, the Bengali music site and has led to a record company, whose products are based on materials collected by the two researchers and additional materials made in museums.

Thank you very much, of course, these and these incredible collectors, who gave us all this wealth of music records. But it also goes our gratitude to those who have made it possible, from our computers, we can now enjoy all the musical richness and excited with all these melodies, which are fresh even though some have been recorded for many decades. Hopefully other collections from other museums they emerge over time on the Internet.


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