Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Nice Business Slogans

Anthropological field diary

Last week I had a very intense and interesting conversation with the teacher Arehmi Mendiburu, who has devoted much of his research to do ethnography of the classroom during their teaching activities, on the following question: How do we do now the field diary ? Does the computer "Or in notebooks, as we have been taught always in the shop classes in anthropology research?

Mendiburu The teacher was absolutely amazed at the fact that I do my field journal in hardcover books, since, from their point of view, I am one of those people who most advocate the use of computers and anthropological research on the internet. In fact, over the past four summers I have hired students from anthropology to scan my books in Adobe Acrobat, for despite my predilection widely known to virtual formats, I am writing my field notes in hardcover books ( Yucatan sold some books which are known as "transit books" that are hard cover, have a particular scratch, and I buy and use in large quantities). Usually I leave a blank space to the right of my text for keywords and to construct a code for my field diary. This course helps me to make an index in each book. My husband and colleague, Steffan Igor Ayora-Diaz, however, makes his daily field directly in the computer, but run the risk of losing once and platforms change, it is easier to code and index your information in digital form.

How should make the field day today? "Analog or digital?

I think that there is no easy answer. I started making my day in the "transit books," returning to a format 'analogue', because during my doctoral fieldwork in Sardinia, Italy, between 1990 and 1992, did most of my daily computer field, in a program that has almost disappeared, called WordPerfect. Made backups of my files in 'floppy', now also gone. At this point I lost most of my field notes and diaries about my research in Sardinia, especially since I now work on the Mac platform, not Windows, and there WordPerfect for Mac (maybe in future there, so I'm keeping my floppy!).

During the summers of 2000 to date have generally recruited some / a student to become my 'books transit' in PDFs. This is NOT an ideal solution, since these PDFs are not easy to navigate and are actually a kind Pictures of my books. However, I found that during the past eleven years since I started using this system a bit primitive, I miss less notes and diaries: if I lose the physical books, usually I have the PDFs, and if at any time I lost the PDFs I have the physical books.

the past four years my husband and I have changed addresses three times our library. The despair of not finding my books is really indescribable, though I have the PDFs that different learners have made my notes and field notes. However, there are always books that have been digitized notes that did not get the scanner and other tragedies. And recently a friend of the USA I wrote that at his university are adopting the Scandinavian policy after two years, and researchers must destroy all his notes and field diaries, and is no longer possible to use data two or more years old. I think that is not far off when our university, the abattoir, implement such rules, because the claims of many local companies against the anthropological representation begin to impact our research methods and techniques. So what can be done in these circumstances?

I think we are two roads: One is to fight to establish the uniqueness of anthropological research. Many people we work with every day could ally themselves and agree with us, as it is now common for local claims are based on ethnographic and anthropological field notes. However, it will be difficult to succeed on this front. Another is to start thinking in specific projects where the information collected we can serve and save as much as we can from the information obtained so far, no university, or in Scandinavia or the U.S. or Nowhere has placed a prohibition against memory and theorizing. The wording of chips may help us keep things in memory, so that I find most critical writing, as always, a list of our field day. Even if we have then dissolved, having worked with dedication of our materials will help us to remember that unless we work to transform our daily information and field notes on index cards.

I would have liked a more definitive answer on whether the book or the computer is a better way to write notes and diary, but the times these will have to stick individual preferences to university policies emanating from international bodies, and our own criteria for what is right, what is ethical and what is advertised on the horizon as an anthropological practice fair and ethical, as well as perfectly legal.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Dr. Arvind Poswal Review

The wheat grain was ...

- Grain was shining and immortal wheat, which was never mowed, nor was ever sown. I had always been there forever. The dust and stones of the street were as precious as gold. The doors in the beginning was the end of the world. The green trees, when for the first time I saw one of the gates, transported and enthralled me, their sweetness and unusual beauty made my heart throb, almost mad with ecstasy, so strange and wonderful they were! Men! Oh, how venerable and reverend creatures seemed the old! Immortal Cherubim! And the young, sparkling, dazzling angels! Y las doncellas, ¡extrañas, seráficas muestras de vida y belleza! Niños y niñas, retozando, jugando en la calle, eran joyas movientes. No sabía que hubiesen nacido o hubiesen de morir. Sino que todas las cosas moraban eternamente donde se hallaban, en sus lugares propios. La eternidad se manifestaba a la luz del día, y algo infinito aparecía detrás de cada cosa; lo que correspondía a lo que yo esperaba y movía mi deseo. La ciudad parecía elevarse en el Edén o estar construída en el Cielo. Las calles eran mías, el templo era mío, la gente era mía, sus vestidos oro y plata eran míos, así como sus resplandecientes ojos, clara piel y sonrosado rostro. Míos eran los cielos, and the sun, moon and stars, and everybody was mine, and I the only spectator and enjoyer of it ... And so it was very busy that I was corrupted and made me learn the tricks of the world. What now unlearn and around me, so to speak, as a small child to enter the kingdom of God.

- Your enjoyment of the world is never right till every morning you wake up in the sky, you look at the palace of your father, and consider the sky, land and air as celestial joys, having such reverent estimation of the entire as if you were among the Angels. The spouse of a monarch, the camera her husband has no such cause of delight as you. Never
you enjoy the world aright till the sea itself flows in your veins, until you wear the crown heavens and the stars, and perceive that you are the sole heir of the world, and more than that because there are men in it, and each one of them is heir just like you. Until you can sing and rejoice and delight in God, as misers do in gold, and kings with their scepters, you can never enjoy the world.
Until your spirit fills the world, and the stars are your jewels, until you're familiar with the ways of God in all ages such as your walk and your table, until you've tried anything that dark intimately that made the world, until you love men so you want your happiness with the zeal of greed like yours, until you delight in God to be good for all, never you enjoy the world. Until you feel your property rather than particular, and are more present in the hemisphere, considering its glory and beauty, in your own home, until you remember how little does your birth and the wonder of being born into it, and you rejoice more to the palace of your glory as if it had been created this morning.
And never you enjoyed the world aright, till you love both the beauty of enjoying it, you feel the greed and the desire to persuade others to enjoy it. And so perfectly hate the abominable corruption of the men who despise you prefer suffer the flames of hell to be voluntarily guilty of such error.
The world is a mirror of infinite beauty, but nobody sees it. It is a Temple of Majesty, but nobody is looking. It is a region of Light and Peace, if men did not worry him. It is the Paradise of God. It's more for the man, since he fell, not before. It is the place of Angels and the Gate of Heaven. When Jacob awoke from his dream, he said: God is here, and did not know. How awesome is this place! Is none other than the Face of God and the Gate of Heaven.

Thomas Traherne.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Free Funny Sharking Mobile

this ...

I am looking for a man with terminal cancer. The disease has spread to his prostate and testicles, which are now the size of tennis balls. Is losing control of his bowels and bowel movements at night on top. We laughed and we talked about last night's football game while I wash the feces that litter its gigantic testicles. I do not say that there is no suffering, do not say "I am free and you do not" and not even mentioned the nonduality. You simply clean the testicles. That's it.

I hold the hand of a woman in the hospital. Dying. His face is yellow and shallow breathing. The stench of urine and chlorine is in the air over a bowl of instant tomato soup that has not even played. I see myself same die. We die together in this lonely room between plastic flowers and a tomato sopicaldo. This is all and she is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

I'm laying in a hospital bed. The surgeon just remove a fleshy lump anus. When the nurse removed the gauze covering the wound open and swollen, I feel like I stuck a knife in the anus and then girasen several times. I ask for more morphine, but the nurse said he could not give me more. The whole universe is saturated with pain.
A music video with a crash sounds on TV next to my bed. Then the pain suddenly disappears and is replaced by the voice of Britney Spears. Britney Spears is only a song called Womanizer. It is as if the pain would never have been there. And, if it occurred, it already thousands of millions of years ... . ocurrióa and somebody else will. Suddenly

recurs excruciating pain. Do not know it was possible to experience such pain. My eyes blur and I almost fainted. Then back Britney: "Womanizer, woman-womanizer, you're a womanizer, Oh womanizer, Oh, you're a womanizer, baby." The pain seems to move to the rhythm of the dance movement of Britney. There

some stability here. Nothing endures from one moment to the next. All that remains is the rawness of the experience. Stab, Britney, stab, Britney ... the breathing motion of the universe.

Jeff Foster.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

College Farewell Party Invitation Quote

Conference Professor Patricia Seed in Solomon

On Thursday April 4, the renowned historian Patricia Seed, University of California - Irvine, gave conference "Mapping the world tour" in the auditorium of the Department of Anthropology at the University Autónoma de Yucatán. Professor Seed has been studying the Mercator map, tracing the places from which they come paper, calculations, geographical knowledge and graphic design of this famous document.

According to Dr. Seed, it is impossible to know for sure exactly what data were used to compile the map, but she believes the author was based on the knowledge that time had only a handful of excellent Portuguese cartographers, who then processed the information came from the English and Portuguese voyages around the world. Dr. Seed applied a Mercator map algorithm to determine the degree of accuracy with which various parts of the world are represented in that letter, and found that the closest information to which we have is the one shown, indeed, for the places then carrying the English and Portuguese ships.

Dr. Seed also presented several maps from the same period and close times. He explained that the cartographers of the time they put false information on their maps so that if someone could copy them realize the forgery. He explained that many mapmakers copied maps that were not theirs, but with the destruction of a large map collection in Lisbon in 1755 because of a terrible tsunami and a great fire, lots of original maps have disappeared and is now very difficult to know whether which there are originals or are copies.

the end of the conference, several teachers and students of our faculty asked him questions. It was a fascinating conference that left us thinking about the importance of graphic representations, especially maps, to our world view. The maps have partial information, and even wrong, but without them many of the current history has not been written. As noted by Jose Luis Borges, the only way to have a perfect map would do the exact size of reality, and that point would become an information overload, and therefore would be useless.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Why Does Cockapoo Vomit ?

UADY Nahmad Sitton

The first Friday in April 2011, in an emotional ceremony, Professor Solomon Nahmad Sitton, Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology in Oaxaca, Bronislaw Malinowski received the medal awarded by the Society of Anthropology Applied in Seattle, Washington, U.S. of A. Nahmad Professor is an eminent Mexican anthropologist who has distinguished himself fighting for indigenous causes in Mexico and other Latin American countries through their academic work and its management of public agencies and research centers.

Bronislaw Malinowski Award is awarded anthropology professionals with long experience have been dedicated to understanding and serving the needs of people where they work. Professor Nahmad Sitton could not be an appropriate candidate for this award.

Professor Margaret Dalton, also of CIESAS Oaxaca, gave a brief biography of Professor Nahmad Sitton. Then Nahmad Sitton gave a speech in which he presented both his career and his personal philosophy that anthropology is the best way to achieve both the recognition of cultural differences and peace for all peoples of the world. Discussed his work with Julio de la Fuente, a student of Malinowski, and Guillermo Bonfil Batalla, Arturo Warman, Ted Downing and colleagues.

Both Margarita Dalton's speech as that of Solomon Nahmad Sitton were made in English. Mexico-US researcher Martha Rees had translated into English, and the text of the translation was projected, along with photographs that allude to the life and work of Solomon Nahmad, on two large screens on the sides of the Presidium.

In his speech, Professor Nahmad Sitton also thanked his colleagues in the Department of Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Yucatan, who promoted his nomination Malinowski well as those who supported his candidacy, beginning with Dr. Virginia García Acosta, Director National Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology. At the end of his speech, prof. Sitton Nahmad received a standing ovation by the and members of the Society for Applied Anthropology (SFAA) and its affiliated companies participating in the conference.

We celebrated with great excitement this award to Professor Solomon Nahmad Sitton, an eminent anthropologist researcher who has taken the lead academic and personal support to the causes of indigenous peoples of Mexico and the Americas, even at the expense of their own welfare or safety personal. Solomon Congratulations!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Where Can I Go In Nyc For A Clitoris Piercing

Malinowski received the actual chips How do academic books Book

In anthropology we call 'chips' to a kind of 'identikit' of the books we read. In general, it is important to keep our files on a topic in one place. Before, we used files that were accumulated plastic cards half letter-size cardboard. Now I'm recommending to my students using the program Zotero (downloadable in several languages, including in English, http://www.zotero.org/) running in the Mozilla Firefox browser.

tabs on each topic can be saved in Zotero folders, and also can be linked together by means of the tongue 'related'.

is important to at least one tab on exposure and on research for every book that serves as an overview and can help us remember the main points raised in the books.
  • Bibliographic : Do not forget the name or author name (s), title of book publishing house, in each tab page. In Zotero this information is filled using the tab "Information"
  • Details Book as a mechanism of exposure (to create note "Exhibition" in Zotero, clicking on the tab 'notes')
Content of the Exhibition "
    • thesis or argument: what is or what the author tries to prove? Method
    • Exposure: How does the author or to prove his thesis? What sub-thesis develops? (Usually each chapter develops one of the arguments related to the general thesis)
    • bibliographic Country: What are the authors and main against or in favor of which structure their arguments? What are the main authors and with whom dialogue in each chapter? What are the arguments of this / these authors and how it differs from the argument of the book or author?
  • Card of the book as a result of an investigation (create note "Research" in Zotero, clicking on the tab 'notes' again)
    • Thesis: What was the starting point for preparation of the book?
    • Methodology: Is it a conceptual only, or have an ethnographic component or other 'field'? How planned research? How did you do?
    • Results: How far the final outcome of the initial central question? Country
    • literature: What authors began work and why they were not enough? (Never enough)
not forget to label (two or more) to each of your notes and each of your index cards. For the bibliographic record that is going to tab 'marks' in Zotero. For each of the notes attached to this form (ie for the sub-tabs) this is done at the bottom of the form (where it says 'marks').

online tools should not be obfuscated, it is important to understand that they serve so that we can use the content we produce and we get from other sources. There is to be feared, but neither should we think they can do more than what we can program them to do. Think content first, then how you will create your inventory, carefully selecting your categories of classification. No categories neutral, nor are there categories perfect, but there are categories and ways of organizing information are more useful than others. It is you who will decide the order that suits you, once you've decided, install and open Zotero creates folders and begins to sort your information.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Elastic Brown Cm A Sign Of Pregnancy?

bioarchaeology pioneer of Campeche

Last Friday was presented at the Palacio Canton, Merida, Yucatan, the book Natives, Europeans, and Africans in Colonial Campeche coordinated by Vera Tiesler , Pilar Zabala and Andrea Cucina (University Press of Florida, 2010). This is a groundbreaking book because it is the result of a project from its inception, was proposed as interdisciplinary. Recently in my research workshop were reading The logic of social science , by Jürgen Habermas (Tecnos 1993), where Habermas explains the epistemological differences between the nomological sciences, including biology, and in hermeneutics, including them the story.

Vera Tiesler and his team have made a concerted effort to bring both disciplines nomological (if bioarchaeology, osteology and archeology) and hermeneutics (in this case history, architecture and social geography) to the study's first post-Conquest cemetery the city of Campeche. The result is a remarkable book, both its purpose clearly circumscribed (the cemetery and historical context) as a multidisciplinary approach.

One of the great attractions of this book is a vindication of African American history in the Yucatan Peninsula, as part of the remains found in the cemetery under, according to the osteological, people of African descent. Certainly, as a presenter said at the presentation of the book, as Habermas does not tire of repeating logic social sciences, each approach has its limits. Here is the starting point have been archaeological remains, rather than ethnic and caste categories established in the historiography of the conquest of Mexico. However, since there are many texts that could be read as supplementary material castes and social classes in New Spain and its surrounding territories, I think that this limitation operates here as a strength, since this type of bio-ethnographic approach geographical and social never have been undertaken without accurate identification of the biological characteristics of human remains found.

This book is no longer one of the many results of the joint projects of our colleagues Vera Tiesler, Pilar Zabala and Andrea Cucina, three excellent teachers and researchers with whom I have the pleasure to work and socialize daily at the Department of Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Yucatan. Since 2002, this trio has become an interdisciplinary team, which sometimes included, as in this case, researchers from neighboring disciplines. We expect great things from this joint effort, and the book that we now provide us confirmed that expectation.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bedrooms Wallpaper Hd

historical earthquake in Japan and radiation hazard

Vista Fukushima nuclear plant from Google Earth, March 2011

On Friday last November there was a massive earthquake in Sendai, Japan. The images of the disaster were, as long as there is major disasters, devastating. However, since the same Friday, the world began to see with concern the outcome of this great tragedy, especially since the nuclear plant in Fukushima, about 100 kilometers from Sendai, an explosion occurred in one of its reactors, which has followed an escalating emergency situation.

While on Monday it seemed possible that the situation was controlled, it is clear Wednesday Fukushima plant that has become a major disaster in Chernobyl in 1986.

These notes are more of an effort to sort my mind and allow me to accept, if not better understand what is happening in Japan. The three major nuclear disasters news than I have been at Three Mile Island in 1979 in the United States, the one at Chernobyl in 1986 and now east of Fukushima. To my knowledge, in all three cases the problem has been an excessive increase in temperature in the reactor at Three Mile Island by a fault that was never explained in Chernobyl a nuclear emergency drill during which and plant operators down to a minimum power and plant defenses (Petryna 2002), and now in Fukushima for damage caused by the earthquake and tsunami to the terms of the nuclear plant. In almost half a century has not been possible to remedy the source of these nuclear disaster, which continue as the root problems of cooling infrastructure.

disaster Anthropology (Garcia Acosta coord. 1996, Olivers-Smith and Hoffman eds. 1999) teaches us at least three things:
  1. That tends to be analyzed by those who could be held liable as a strange fact isolated in society and history, but in reality there is continuity between the conditions in which there are and how to deal with them;
  2. disasters from happening almost always knew where that could happen. I was surprised that there had been signs that something terrible might happen to the reactors, but at this time the authorities of Japan and the companies operating plants vehemently deny that they had encountered problems earlier. In fact, the fact that the cooling remains a problem to us speaks to the continuity and long-term disasters (García Acosta 2004) and
  3. That pre-existing social relationships and the resulting disaster the latter do very difficult for radical transformation of social patterns, technology, culture and behavior, so that each disaster usually results in little preparation for possible replication.

I recently saw a series of photographs of Chernobyl, by David Schindler ( http://totallycoolpix.com/2011/01/chernobyl-25-years-later/ ), and I was struck by the manner in which they resemble the landscapes and structures in 'The Zone 'in the film Stalker (Mosfilm 1979), the great director Andrei Tarkovsky. It's like Tarkovsky and his team had traveled to the future the Chernobyl today, to create that movie. Strangely, in Ukraine people call 'The Zone' to the affected area. Will citing Tarkovsky?

For Chernobyl (Petryna 2002) has developed, after the nuclear disaster, a way of life that Petryna considered a form of 'biological citizenship', directly linked to claims of impairment of health, such and so the residents of 'The Zone' in Ukraine using their own poor health condition to survive, either through grants to households 'affected' or through networks of relationships that allow those who live there survive conditions of great health and psychological problems. The Ukrainian State, meanwhile, has managed to be seen as the benefactor and the people of Chernobyl, despite the economic and infrastructure assistance to the area is limited, and that people have had to give up idea of \u200b\u200bnormal health as in order to survive.

This alerts us to another common feature of the disaster, many people try and sometimes fail to use the disaster as a way to earn prestige in politics and / or obtain money profiting from the international aid itself. Several sites have appeared on the Internet to cheat online money donors, and stay some of the money that people are donating to the relief and rescue efforts for victims of the earthquake, tsunami and the nuclear tragedy that is unfolding. This phenomenon does not seem to stop phishing even before the immense pain and hardship that these disasters have caused.

Japan has been characterized by a high level of preparedness against potential natural disasters, beginning with earthquakes and tsunamis. The anti-tsunami barrier separating the city of Sendai coast shows this aspect of Japanese culture. It certainly seems strange that so many reactors are having problems right now, even those that have been completely turned off. It is assumed that when the reactors shut down to almost zero in danger.

The main enemy of Japan and indeed all of us at this point seems to be the air: aerial currents are natural (and perhaps the sea) that will determine the impact that this major disaster in Japan will have , in the near future, about our biological citizenship, and also on our level of concern about our common future in this world that can not only conceptualize only as 'global', but as a biological, ecological and radio-interconnected.

García Acosta, Virginia, coord. (1996) History and Disasters in Latin America . Mexico City: CIESAS / Bogotá: La Red
García Acosta, Virginia (2004) "The historical perspective in anthropology and disaster risk." Relations 25 (97) :124-142.
Oliver-Smith, Anthony and Susan M. Hoffman, eds. (1999) The Angry Earth. Disaster in Anthropological Perspective . New York: Routledge.
Petryna, Adriana (2002) Life Exposed. Biological Citizens after Chernobyl. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Shiny Stone Action Replay Heart Gold

When I try to back ... Check

When I try to go back to where the light comes apparently, to that place where we say that the eyes are not really find anything, there is only one space there, an emptiness, which is apparently full of light . What is light but another form of energy? That light is a vibration very, very subtle and a bit when it condenses, it becomes apparent in the field. Form a model, a crust around the essence that you are, like lava from a volcano. That is what this body. It is that same light, apparently solidified. When you get to verify this, what is the cause of your bondage, self-centeredness, go away by itself. The conclusion that emerges from this understanding is that if I am that consciousness like space, then there really a center. What also emerges from this is that there can be no separation between the body and anything else that appears, just as there is no separation between what appears and that same consciousness as the space in which all things appear . All is one.
When we think of an "I" always imagine a center in this space from which all things are. But I ask you what school can be in this space? Does anyone can point me or find a center in this space? It is impossible. And if there is no center in this space how this model of "I" apparently could have a substantial center or exist by itself? And if there is no "I" substantial or having an independent nature, as previously supposed "From where are you seeing?
As a vacuum, there is no point of reference in which to place this experience. There is no entity that can be attributed nothing happens.
can not say that such and such happened to me. And if this were the case, where would I locate that experience?
But all these experiences seem to happen to this "me" that I had emerged as the center the experiment. Seemed to happen in particular for this apparent way I thought it was.
This "me" is very insecure and vulnerable because they see themselves alone and separately. Has a mental image of yourself and if you think of any experience that does not fit the image itself, then feel fear, resentment and self pity. Take the experience as something personal, as if it happened to that guy who thinks he is. And if he does something or if something is done through him when he thinks he should not be done, you feel guilty, ashamed and remorseful.
Take a look at your personal experience and see if what I'm saying is true or not. See if your problems
are caused by the erroneous belief in a separate entity, an entity that can function on its own. Does this organization have any substance or independent nature? Cuestionadlo, come and see it for yourselves. See how all suffering is caused by ourselves to think that things should happen differently for this "me" who think we are. Then, check that there is no "me", there is nothing at all. There is nothing that can operate by itself or there with an independent nature. This reference point of a "me", that "me" to whom everything seems to be feeding going on, it's just a mental image I have. It is only conceptual, is based on beliefs.
So what happens after finding all this? It happens that I deleted the limitations, I removed the borders. Removing them, I kept what I was always that this "natural state", this "natural function."
function is the same is happening in all this "look", from the smallest subatomic particle to the most distant galaxy, every where, every when, every time and place. That is all and only.

"Sailor" Bob Adamson.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eye Wrinkles From Dslr


D-How I can control the mind?

M-If you perform the Self there is no mind control. The Self shines their light when the mind vanishes. The man made no matter what the mind is active or inactive, the only thing that exists is the Self. For the mind, body and the world are not something apart from himself, and can not remain apart from the Self. Are they different from the Self? When aware of the Self, why should one worry about the shadows? How does affect the Self?

D-If the mind is but a shadow, how are we to know the Self?

M-The Self is the Heart, which in and of itself luminous. The illumination comes from the heart and reaches the brain, which is the seat of the mind. The world looks with the mind, ie you see the world through the reflected light of the Self. The world is perceived by an act of the mind. When the mind is enlightened, it realizes the world when it is not well lit, not aware of the world.
If the mind is turned inward, toward the light source, objective knowledge ceases, and only the Self shines as the heart.
The moon shines by reflecting light from the sun. When the sun has set, the moon is used to reveal the objects. When the sun rises, no one needs the moon, though its disc is visible in the sky. The same applies to the mind and heart. What makes it useful to mind is the reflected light, used to view objects. When it turns inward, is becoming the source of light that shines by itself, and the mind is, then, as the moon during the day.
When it is dark, you need a lamp that gives light. But when the sun has risen, there is no need for light, objects are visible. And to see the sun light is not required, it is enough to to turn the eyes towards the sun light and of itself. The same goes for the mind to see objects the reflected light is necessary for the mind. To see the Heart is enough that the mind is turned towards him. Then, the mind and the heart has its own glittering.

Ramana Maharshi.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Is Wella Shampoo Good?


The music research, from anthropology is from the musicology and from the performing arts, generally resulting in a wealth of recordings that later, if not organized, are difficult catalog. In fact, even if they are cataloged, records are difficult to access. For example, recordings of Frances Densmore (1867-1957) among indigenous groups in North America, and those of his contemporary, Bela Bartok (1881-1945) in the Balkans, for example, were made in metal cylinders which now are housed in archives and museums: the Frances Densmore Maori are in part at the Library of Congress of the United States, metal discs to the same investigative records transferred. Alan Lomax (1915-2002), another great collector, using metal discs which were recorded at the time during their field trips, when he recorded thousands of hours of music in the United States and Europe. His recordings and notes are also now in the Library of Congress of the United States. To view these collections was necessary in all cases, until recent years, travel to these venues and obtain proper permits and learn to use these old technologies.

Fortunately for those who love music and live far from those files, there are at least three excellent internet files that can be accessed for free: The Museum of the Smithsonian Folkways site (http:/ / www.folkways.si.edu/ ), Bartok System Institute of Musicology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences ( http://www.zti.hu/bartok/ba_en.htm ), and now File Bengal Music Traveler ( http://thetravellingarchive.org/home.php ). The latter is still being enhanced music by Moushumi Bhowmik composer and with the assistance of recording engineer Sukanto Majumdar. The three are a bit difficult to navigate, as is widely expected that those seeking something out there already know what you are looking for. However, with a little dedication and attention you can find real treasures, including transcriptions of Bartok score and Densmore as well as photographs taken by Lomax and equipment Bhowmik / Majumdar. Smithsonian Folkways site offers the possibility to buy 9.99 USD entire albums of music in its catalog.

Some exciting projects have already emerged from these files, such as disk The Bartok Album Muzsicas Group (Hannibal 1999), which includes several recordings of Bartok orginales with current versions of these same parts. There's also the fantastic documentary Songhunter Lomax (Rounder Europe 2008), the director Rogier Kappers, who retracing the steps of Lomax by the United States and Europe to hear the original materials to the musicians who were registered or In some cases, to their descendants. Likewise, the Bengali music site and has led to a record company, whose products are based on materials collected by the two researchers and additional materials made in museums.

Thank you very much, of course, these and these incredible collectors, who gave us all this wealth of music records. But it also goes our gratitude to those who have made it possible, from our computers, we can now enjoy all the musical richness and excited with all these melodies, which are fresh even though some have been recorded for many decades. Hopefully other collections from other museums they emerge over time on the Internet.

How To Rig Up A Laser Sailboat

Brief chronology of the horror


January - The body of a 23-year-old Rosina Acosta, appears in the dunes of Playa Pancras, in Punta del Diablo (Rocha). Was found by a couple of fishermen in the area, about six in the morning, who saw him almost as soon as they went down to the beach, because, in his own words "was lying on the sand" and not wholly or partially buried. The body (which was half naked, wearing only underwear), there were signs of astonishing brutality: he lacked all the fingers of his right hand and two (index and ring fingers) of the left hand. The right eye had been removed. The legs, arms, face, chest, back and belly of the girl had multiple stab wounds, shallow. In the scene found virtually no trace of blood, it is presumed that the girl was killed elsewhere and then moved to the beach, perhaps in the morning. Something remarkable was that the body was very clean, as if it had been washed before throwing in the dunes. The cause of death was described as bleeding due to injury. Rosina no signs of having been sexually assaulted.


- Clara Santos, a 18 year old, mysteriously disappears near the Parque Rodo (Montevideo). It was full week of tourism and the girl had attended the park with his family: his parents and younger brother of twelve, Santiago. According to parents, Clara and her brother had decided to walk alone on the roller coaster, while the parents were devoted to walking. They were found in the ticket office of the giant wheel. When the roller coaster ride ended and Clara and Santiago fell, she said she wanted to go to the bathroom, because he was broken. According to James, his sister was sick on the roller coaster. Decided that James was with his parents at the box office giant wheel, as agreed, while Clara went to the bathroom. That was the last time you heard from her again.

June - After two months of intense search, which had a major impact on mass media and therefore public opinion, Santos Clara's body is found, in a ditch on the side of the access to Montevideo. Was found by a garbage sorter. Savagery of the crime again shock the population: A Clara Santos amputee had several fingers of both hands and had removed his right eye. He cuts that covered almost head to toe, as if he had been tortured. Having appeared in lingerie, once thought a sexual crime, but forensic examination ruled out this possibility in the subsequent autopsy. All belongings of the missing girl, her cell phone, wallet and house keys. Elements that carried the day she disappeared. Montevideo police begins an intense investigation. Soon, it is determined that the case is very similar to one occurred nine years ago, in the department of Rocha.

July - On Tuesday 11, was arrested a former classmate Clara Santos, Julio Marseille, 19 years old. Police had begun investigating the environment of the young, his family and friends. The name of Marseille in the investigation came almost immediately. According to friends of Clara, the boy was attracted to her and tried to woo her on numerous occasions, but Clara had always rejected. Furthermore, Marseille had a history of violence and antisocial behavior. Had been suspended when he was sixth in school for having stuck a compass in hand to a classmate who had taunted him. People said I was a lonely boy, withdrawn, which was almost always alone. Fellow high school in Marseilles, say more than one occasion he had observed in the playground, behind a tree, torturing small animals and insects.

Marseille was questioned about the disappearance and murder of Clara Santos, but twenty-four hours later he was released. There was no evidence or witnesses who could incriminate him.


September - Antonio Santos, Clara's father is arrested for the murder of Julius Marseille. Until today, said that Marseille was the author of murder of his daughter. On Saturday night, 22, arrived in Marseille family home, wearing his caliber Colt revolver thirty-eight. Knocked on the door and waited, but no one answered. The house was empty. Instead of leaving, he sat on the porch to wait. Julio arrived nearly two hours later, at about two o'clock, when he left his job as a waiter in a bar. Clara's father found sitting at the door, which, seeing the boy stood up and without a word, shot him in the head. Then, put the gun in his belt, stepped over the lifeless body of young, entered his car and left. In the morning, called police and confessed to the crime. When the police handcuffed him to take him under the gaze of television cameras, he told television reporters who were covering the event that "justice had been done by his daughter."


March - comes to the editorial staff of The Morning, an anonymous letter, written by hand. The letter, no more than a couple of paragraphs written in ordinary notebook paper says that the author is responsible for the crime of Clara Santos and that he will kill again shortly, as "feel the uncontrollable urge do "(paraphrase). Immediately, the editor of the newspaper is in contact with the complex crimes unit of the police. However, tests do not yield many useful answers. According to the calligraphic skill, it could be a white male between twenty and forty-five years. Smart, but with antisocial tendencies, a person with serious problems getting along with others, especially with the opposite sex.

The paper used for writing had no fingerprints. The ink was a common pen and the paper itself was virtually impossible to track, and that could be bought in any store or supermarket. The analysis of the envelope that the letter was sent, was not fruitful. It was a common on the author had closed using water to wet the glue on the flap, instead of their own saliva, so that consideration DNA could be ruled out.

July - On Friday 11, at dawn, the girl disappears Martina Fuller, 21 years old. Martina lived in Piedras Blancas and the night of Thursday 10 had attended the birthday of a friend of hers, who lived in the same neighborhood, a few blocks away. Martina arrived at the party and was about four or five hours. When he left, about one o'clock, walked to another friend, Romina Suarez. As she lived closer to the house of the birthday, Martina had to finish the journey alone to your home. But it never came.

Friends and colleagues class who attended the party, make sure she was alright, but not as lively as usual. As they say, was a happy girl. Romina Suarez, the police said that Martina no longer see your cell phone for most of the party. In the words of the girl, "was like the whole time he was reading text messages that came to him."
Martina search begins.

Thursday, 31, is the cell phone of the girl, in a vacant lot used as an illegal landfill, located about three miles from his home. The device was quite deteriorated, showing that he had been there, weather, a good time. Still, the police managed to recover the chip and may have access to many text messages they had stored. Were a total of fourteen messages. All shipped within two days, between 10 and 11 July. Of these messages, eleven had been sent by an unknown number. The first was sent at 19.02 the day 10 and the last at 00.45 on day 11. And everyone said the same thing: "I'm looking for. And I will find. " The telephone analysis also showed that a call had been made to the sender of the message number. Martina had called at 23.03 on Thursday 10, perhaps to know who the author was of these strange messages. But the call lasted no more than five seconds.

tracked the number is unknown. The phone turned out to have an ironmonger of the Union, Luis Alberto Valencia, 53. Valencia was questioned about the messages sent to cell Martina and said they have no idea. He stated that for some time that the phone was not in his power: it had been stolen in early July. The police confirmed the reports that Valencia had made to mark the sixth robbery in the police station. He stopped for a period of twenty-four hours, a criminal background check. Valencia had none, so he was released.

August - Monday 4 is finally the body of Martina Fuller. I was in a ravine on the outskirts of Piedras Blancas. Showed the same signs as previously missing girls: they missing fingers on both hands and his right eye. Again, had shallow cuts across the skin, as signs of torture, and ligature marks around his ankles and wrists. But Martina's body had something else: a shot in the head, specifically in the left temple. There was no exit wound, the bullet lodged in his skull, broken into the brain. It was determined that locks of a 22 caliber bullet. Apparently, the murderer had been completed for the girl with the gun, rather than just let bleed to death, as he had earlier. This gave the impression to the police that the murderer might have gotten scared for some reason (perhaps Martina had tried to escape) and the murderer had decided to liquidate as soon as possible, to silence. In the media, and begins to speak of a serial murderer.

September - The brutal crimes have been committed in the past two years bringing his first political consequences. The Interior Minister is questioned by the opposition and then pressed both political figures and the press. Later that same month, ending resigning, accused of incompetence.

November - Around the city of Montevideo there are street marches calling for justice for the victims. One of these marches comes to the presidential residence, where he began a cacerolazo and read a proclamation. In that instant, a pair of concurrent begin a violent street brawl, which soon increases, leaving a toll of two wounded, one with a knife.

December - Arrives end of the year and has not yet clue on who the sadistic murderer who is ravaging the city. The population begins to take extreme measures. Trips (pun intended) the sale of firearms and personal defense items pepper spray, electric shock devices, etc. The nightlife of the weekend falls to record low, something that has not been seen even during the economic crisis of 2002. Young women between 18 and 35, and almost never leave their homes. Parents accompany their young daughters to schools and colleges, at the entrance and exit. Police guard was placed at the entrance of many public education institutions and bars and dance clubs. There is speculation the murderer's identity, personality, psychiatric profile, etc. Are numerous rumors in the press, all flashy, most absurd. It goes on to say that the murderer is a former high school teacher who went crazy after accidentally killing her daughter. Or a foreigner, an American who is traveling around the world committing serial murders in different countries. Some paranoid even say that the spirit of Jack the Ripper has come to this land and has possessed someone. Others say that the murderer is actually a woman. The truth is that all are ideas, speculations, with little or no basis. The population begins to sink in panic, uncertainty and despair.


May - Tuesday 26, arrives at the 7th station Capurro, a man in his fifties, looking and strange character. Frightened. Almost scared to death. Want to talk privately with a policeman. They want you to take a statement, but without attracting attention. Afraid that someone will discover, that someone is aware of what is about to do. The man, RJ initial, say they know who might be the murderer of young people. According to him, is his neighbor. A military retired, over the years, has become fond of drink and lives only in his small house at Husares. When police asked RJ what made him believe that his neighbor could be the perpetrator of terrible crimes, said that one night, being in a bar, heard the soldier talking with two other men. The military used to spend much time at the bar and when he was gone for drinks (most of the time), used to tell stories, most as too bizarre to be believed, the things he had done when he was part of the armed forces and what proud he was to have belonged to them.

that night RJ heard the military say that once, long ago, had met a girl. It had been a summer on a beach of Rocha. The military said the girl was attractive and a little
"carefree", but when they wanted to get intimate, she resisted. So he had to give a "little warning." He added that the soldier said that no woman would dare to disobey, because he suffered the consequences, and that young people today were like those of his era. Now were too promiscuous and that he had to take responsibility to correct.

The police decide to investigate the military, the absence of other suspects. Apparently, he was married, but she had abandoned years ago because of violence and subjected to humiliating treatment. Try to locate the military. But when they come to your house, this is not responding. Three days later, some military neighbors complain that emanates from his home and an unpleasant odor. As you have not seen the military, decided to call the police, worried. This time, the forces of the law, breaking the lock, instead of ringing the bell. When you enter the house, see the soldier's lifeless body, lying on the floor beside the sofa. Takes four days dead and drowned on his own vomit as a result of excess alcohol.


January - spend almost three years since the last crime. Apparently, the murders of young women have ceased. Some say that since the death of retired military. Others say that in reality, the horror is not over yet. The murderer, whoever, has retired to take a break. As he did after committing his first crime in 1997, to kill again almost ten years later. So far, the case remains open and police do not have too many items to continue or terminate the investigation. Suspects have been questioned, there have been raids, but so far nothing has yielded positive results. It seems that, slowly, people started to forget the murderer of young people. It seems that the issue is happening, as water under the bridge. We no longer speak of him in the media and would not be surprising that in a few months, and hardly anyone remember, neither he, nor his terrible legacy.

How long will it be before you forget completely? Probably not much. And perhaps that's just what the monster is waiting. To forget it. That people buried in the past, in the deepest, darkest corner of his memory. To then come back, so unexpected and brutal, causing fear explode again and repeat the cycle again. The murderer of young people can return at any time. That's why it should not be forgotten. That's why it would be advisable to remain vigilant.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Japanese Trains Groping

online music Globalization: putting the entire globe and its history in a course

Hacienda Teya. Photo G. 2010
I will teach a course on Globalization in anthropological M.Sc. UADY. It's hard, knowing that I have only nine meetings, deciding what to include. At this point there are hundreds of papers on the anthropology of globalization. The classic books on topic could occupy all sessions of the course and would no longer room for anything else. It is also important to include in any course in anthropology the broader context of novels, music, movies that were in vogue when he began generated discussion on globalization.

The last time I taught this course in 2009, I decided to take 10 new ethnographies had not read and mark them all, one course per session. This recent books I read 10 I wanted to read. One problem was that they read the classic books on the subject but that only gave in two chairs that I gave at the beginning of the course. For the rest of the course each and every student read a few chapters of each of the new ethnography, and a presenter each book. Also it was I who in an earlier presentation novels and movies explaining what had inspired the various books and ethnographies.

and I found that students do not pay enough attention to the classics, and it cost them to understand the basics, they only heard me discuss them at first, and when their turn came to exhibit and had forgotten both the context as the context of theoretical works based on the imagination. The

and students complained that they were not clear about the basics, and they had to go through them every time they appeared in the texts, and because they had forgotten my discussion of these in my two initial chairs. I this happened because I will expose these concepts outside its original context ethnographies and then each author to give for granted.

This time I will try something different: I believe that the only way we can see at least some of the classics and some recent ethnographies is to have each person read something different, and then encouraging the collective discussion. ; Also, I'm thinking that each student will read at least one of the major novels that have influenced how we think anthropologically about globalization.

I am convinced that the anthropology of the twenty-first century must be based on the idea that several heads are better than one. It is time to implement this idea in a serious and systematic in my own courses. I also thought that the exhibition can enjoy fun: in sessions 7 and 8 each student will present an ethnography following the Japanese method Pecha Kucha. The performance of each ethnography will be as important as the content.

may thus enjoy more, collectively, both male and female students like me, the course we will have this summer on the anthropology of globalization: http://sites.google.com/site/antropologiadelaglobalizacion/

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Remove Metal Core Bearings


There are three reasons that the pursuit and practice are complete nonsense, serving only to confuse with the scheme of the keen mind delaying the release.

The first is because it creates a search engine. Which reaffirms the idea that there is a separate individual suffering of Liberty, and that the Self is "something else" that is outside the Here and Now.

The second is the search. The quest is a distraction that forces the postponement and so endless suffering and unnecessary. Search promotes religions, traditions, spiritual paths to join, that only serve to get you deeper and deeper in illusion. Truth is only here and now, but the quest says he is in the morning.

The third reason is that the search creates an object to find, which makes it the most subtle and deceptive trap. ...

All practice carries an ego that reinforces the subject-object. All practice is done through the senses and the mind-body, which confirms the identification with the body-mind. Any identification is a misidentification.

You become whatever you think, so if you think of the name and how you're thinking in the ego-mind-world-sense-illusion. ...

direct practice is in right now, just being, without waiting for the next moment or the next thought or the next life to get something done.

direct practice is the Ecstasy of turning your face to be the direct practice is to honor your own Self, direct practice is to exist.


Curling Ribbgon Utah Vet

Writing: Records, chips, chips

After making the field work, what next? As it turns out is the same as before doing so: chips, chips, chips. When I was a student we used chips in cartons of 20 inches wide by 12.5 cm high. To find out what exactly we do with information our notes, field notes and transcripts, we made a page with almost every paragraph, and qualifying words we put them on the right: housing, food, music ... (Or in my case "cooperation", "economic problems", "cooperative", "ideas about the afterlife and the daily life", "relations with other towns," relationships con la ciudad", "familia", "producción diaria", y así sucesivamente).  Al final de este ejercicio de desmenuzamiento de la información en fichas, generalmente hacíamos montones de fichas en el suelo, para ver qué cosas sobresalían, en términos de lo que habíamos obtenido.  Era un trabajo lento, difícil y hasta cierto punto, viéndolo a la distancia, cómico por lo primitivo de la técnica.

Lo más increíble de todo es que antes de que hubiera computadoras, había que hacer todo esto con la máquina de escribir.  En el extremo superior izquierdo de cada ficha poníamos nuestros propios datos, pues muchas veces trabajábamos team (eg research institutions), together with data from the source. In the upper right put the date on which we collected the information, and then the 'topics' relevant (today we call' tags ').

The advent of word processors many of these things changed: instead of typing all the cards, began to cut and paste, so that each card had only a label. Also, it was impossible not to spread the tiles on the floor, and start collecting the tokens similar as separate documents in virtual folders. But strangely my generation continued to use the cards to make chips.

seems that the chips are still the Classificationof and information technology of choice in the world in anthropology and the humanities. Zotero program, which works in Firefox and now is in the process of becoming a program that works out browsers, faithfully replicates the process of making chips. I use it for three years and I have hundreds of virtual tokens. This program was developed by librarians at several universities, in close consultation with professionals social sciences and humanities. It is obvious that not only me but thousands of people who were educated in anthropology and related disciplines for over a century, and we continue to make chips.

Monday, January 31, 2011

What Does Vesa Mean On A Tv

analysis of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers

My rating: 8 / 10

This is, in my opinion, one of the best adventures released by Sierra On Line . Created by Jane Jensen great, it is not easy and not an adventure soon, and certainly not for the newcomers to the world of adventure games. It has a compelling story, defined characters, clever puzzles, well-constructed dialogue. It is all the "realistic" one would expect from an adventure game. A true adventure game with full (in block capitals).

As mentioned, the story is compelling: we could say that it is a supernatural suspense thriller, which would be the envy of any Hollywood screenwriter, or any style writer Stephen King or Dean R. Koontz. The good thing about the story is reinforced by the characters and not only by the protagonist, Gabriel Knight. They are not mere puppets animated idiots repeat phrases over and over again, but almost look like actors play their part. To make matters worse, the game features the voices of real actors. Without going any further, the manager to give voice to Gabriel is Tim Curry, the famous British actor (who will charge quite a reputation thanks to the interpretation of the evil clown Pennywise, for the film It, based on the best-selling Stephen King).

Another important aspect, of course, are the animations, which added to the voices and dialogue, make the game even better. I refer not only to the animation sequences (which are many and very well done), I mean the movements of the characters during the game. For example, Gabriel can remove a shirt, scratching his head, rising to dance with a psychic, hugs her grandmother, etc., a fluent and convincing. Not limited to raising an arm every time you have to do something, things do not magically appear in the inventory when we get them, without the character moving a finger.

And since I mention the animation is a good time to talk about the graphics. They're all good you would expect from a game that dates back to 1993. Needless to say, compared with the current game graphics do not seem a big deal, but it would make a similar comparison turpitude. For those who do not know, let me say that it is as good as Monkey Island 2, but in a realistic style. The first drawings of the characters are made when we started a conversation, are wonderful. And even move his mouth when speaking. Mention this in the XXI century, it might sound silly, but we must not forget that we are talking about a game that has already eighteen.

The dialogues are a feature that is given much importance in this game. It is not just a rigid exchange phrases. We can start real conversations with every character, and we always have many options for dialogue and sometimes we need to do the same question twice for the information we want ... As in real life! Each character has its history, its own "biography" and we can meet with just ask.

As for the sound, sound effects (open a door, moving furniture), saying simply that they are good enough. Fulfill their mission. Most notable, perhaps, is the music, not to mention, of course, vocals. Each scenario has its own soundtrack. Some are happy, others sad, but the truth is that sometimes they can become monotonous if we take too long in one place.

The "playability" something very important in any adventure, is quite comfortable. Sierra typical of the icon bar at the top of the screen that appears when you drag the cursor there, but in a slightly different format, with the icons and grouped small action in one sector, and also adorned face of a lion and a serpent at each end. While, yes, the icons may be a bit confusing at first. For example, the icon to "open" is a little door. This would suggest that only serves to open doors, but also serves to open boxes, chests, etc.

Well, now that I have finished all the positive aspects of the game, I think it is to talk about the negatives that make Gabriel Knight: Sins of the fathers, not a perfect adventure, for this brief and imperfect analysis is as fair as possible.

For starters, the most important negative aspect: we run the risk of dying. This is the worst thing that can have an adventure game, the possibility that we might die if we make a mistake or if we do something in time to save our lives. It is so frustrating as frustrating and often ends up being a reason why the player gets tired and decides to leave without having completed the adventure. "Death is fun, "as Ron would say Gilbert great and that is something that should be applied to any adventure game.

Another feature that can be taken as "against" is the excessive difficulty of the game. It takes lots of patience and dedication to reach the final. This is not a game that finished in half an hour, and if you spend just a few minutes per day, may take several finishing. As mentioned at the outset, it may not be an adventure highly recommended for newbies (especially if we consider the possibility of dying), but rather for experienced players with enough nerve Tanned and puzzles to tackle complex situations.

Finally, a negative aspect totally personal and subjective, which is also a common factor in all the Sierra adventures: the fact that win points per puzzle solved. I just do not like to win points as I'm playing an adventure. If you want to win points, I get to play Pac Man or Space Invaders. I think the score is something that in some way, "kill" the illusion of playing an adventure game, although it may serve to indicate that we are moving and doing things right. But personally, I feel a bit like a dog to give him a cookie for doing a trick. As I said, is a negative point entirely personal and subjective, it should not be taken into account by those who do not share my humble opinion.

To finish: Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers is an excellent adventure. Very well told, very entertaining and interesting. For real thrill seekers, this is a true relic, reminiscent of the best adventures of old and makes you want to take back games as well. Which perhaps is asking too much.

Note: This brief analysis can also be read in Advenzone.net .

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hymen Bleeding Meaning

Personal Journal (Excerpts)

- I want to achieve maximum clarity. But above all, I keep my soul in the heart of the mystery. Pervade the only Reality is always forgotten, make my particular soul, a cosmic soul.

- All this seems to me so clear, consistent, calculated, which gives me vertigo. Just the facts, findings. None of survival, morality, lyricism, or metaphysics. Only a clear statement on which I stand. I watch the sun instead of distracting as enlightening. Contemplation very naked, liberating.

- The spirit is listening, lying to something that is no object. There receptivity, waiting for something that grows in the most secret of being. Reality that is so subtle senses almost only perceived by contrast, when one relaxes.
can be more or less far from the scope of representation. And stress can be more or less intense. Is there as a very secret way you know that can take you far away in the hidden center of reality, and to lose track of the smallest, without even realizing it. When I can follow no wonder you feel like a failure as a sense of failure, as when one is hungry or when you feel the insecurity of the high mountains. There is something about yourself that is as dissatisfied. But even love the feeling of dissatisfaction. Return to it as if sensing an unseen wealth in such poverty. And laziness that allows you to put the effort necessary to feel like a betrayal caused by his own weakness. I'm sure what causes this discomfort is the lack of custom. That if I devote myself to it every day regularly and patience will achieve overcome inertia and become more fluent. I must.

- Again I could feel the emptiness of "God." Going to lead to something as immediate. Desires, projects, ideas, images, like mounds that hid the horizon. And now, on top of the mountain, "reached by what leap hidden?
love the action, including the burning of the search, you leave the edge. You could sense the "other country" without being in it. But he reaches a few moments. The question "Who are you? What's That?" has helped me, away from paying too much attention to the sensations. My feeling of guilt also: making "flee to there."
Night. Peace. Silence. An absence delicious.

- Yesterday something changed, I believe, I felt as connected to the essence of reality, an unknown substance, formless reality, however, quite real. Nothing was known and I, however, that peace came over me subtle accompanying the indisputable evidence. What image could use? I guess the vacuum, a vacuum but qualitatively full, consistent, true. Or the night, but one night revealing the nature of things.
is as if, so far concentrated on intellectual or practical issues, there left trapped in the phenomenal order, an ability that would be something like a "naked intuition" that now, however, would be that they can act according to what would be his true nature: a spontaneous receiving essentially inconceivable that the sensitivity can not adequately grasp . It's like me, something broke out, as if all if appeased, having found what I was looking for without knowing how.

- Don immediately, entered almost without transition into meditation. It was like being at a "Nothing." It has nothing to do with the sense of presence. There is no "someone" who feel this there. Yes I felt fervor, but as addressed to one night, a nothing, a vacuum they knew was "it."

- focusing only on "It" and assume all the consequences of my choice. I stay up all stretched to a horizon that goes away and move forward, always forward. Sign on the go without a guide, in that race without end, in this journey without a walker. Only this move in an ocean without shores, in the empty ether. Ties are cut. Nothing moving in the Form No you can not sink. Vertigo. Unexpected freedom. I lamented my disappointment. I did not realize that they were gnawing at the rope that held me captive. Feeling broken string, starting at the vast blue that looks like a wall in place but that is an unfathomable depth. The "failure", I said in dismay, without realizing that what was cracking my prison.

- Week broad, immense, because of the void that has been as relaxed. Once again, I grant the right to live the spiritual life but never come in handy for anyone. My failures lead me back to basics.

- This unit I want, would be a mistake to wait for the will can only come from the attention.

- Road in the pure light of dawn. White, beige, blue, pure, moving, living, vast ... Strong sense of parallelism: the world of emptiness, pure, very pure, over this light, this beauty, this "candor". Above the branches of trees, giving the area its ... fullness of emptiness, the Core Area.
Sleep. It's here. There is nothing to say. We're here. How simple it was!. Bliss beyond bliss. Printing conclusion. There is nothing to explain or nothing to do. The center of gravity is exactly where it belongs. There. That's right. All right.

- Yesterday splitting the feeling persisted. For a moment I see around me and myself and from the outside. I see from that high place which is not a place, a new dimension that is not the time.
extreme simplicity. Nothing. Yet, the essential problem you are done. Subtle peace to the total evidence, with nothing obvious.
T. Last week, the void was substantially above the sea and sun. Since this week is "interstitial", if I can call: it's like the air around things, like space between words, as the intramolecular distance.

- Going down the river boat, the landscape has made me abruptly, transparent. How to clarify this impression that I could not recover even if you've tried? It was a bit like the opacity of the objects disappear without themselves disappear, revealing the hidden reality behind them, like the sky through a glass in the que haya unos dibujos. Y es como si la mirada, a través del cristal que son las cosas, se hubiera adaptado a ver en la lejanía y viera, más allá del cristal, la infinita realidad.

- Gozo cósmico. El espectáculo de las cosas no es nada; nada importante. Es tan real o irreal como un sueño. Entretenerse en el tema de su grado de realidad es tan tonto como discutir con una persona todavía dormida: es la persona todavía dormida en nosotros la que se plantea estas cuestiones. Tomar esta gota de luz, de vacío, e insertarla en mi masa oscura, compacta, aquí, allá, por todas partes, penetrando así cada cosa de espacio y de luz.

- Energía diamantina: vacía, clara, so valuable. Substantial amount of space. Some movements more opaque, I think the void in me, calls the ideas and the people around me: I made transparent, accurate achieve consistency.

- The height of power, the higher vibration of love to the point where the heat is light. The maximum lucidity of intelligence: the place of any relationship. That drop of eternity: keep, as a precious stone, between the toes. Crossing her moments. She will give them light, transparency and beauty.

- Stay open. That I am not separate. I'm on the essentials. I stay there consciously, to the extent of my attention, my will, my love, if they do not rush into things.
Energy, truth, secret unit of the Fund. The representation of space is and expression of the Absolute, and also the least love, the little darlings. But either refuse to appear when the psyche is not "your" satisfaction or arise, but to rush on the objects.

... everything has exploded, the entire surface of the walls, throughout the thickness of the volume, everything has exploded. Emptiness ES, ineffable quality of consciousness that is, everywhere, absolutely everything, in every object, every thought, ES. Geneviève


Monday, January 24, 2011

Giant Skeleton Found In The Arabian Desert

Yuan Shun Lu Response.

no definite criteria to measure the forces of dharma and karma. The essential point is to be aware of the mental essence in all activities and times. One should know that both the force of karma, as the strength of the dharma, are illusory. If a man insists on getting rid of karma and dharma to follow, that man does not understand Buddhism. If one is able to destroy the karma, then discover that the dharma is also unrealistic. Men are not usually very narrow-minded and courageous, always assume that this practice is easy and that difficult. They know that the discriminating mind to ease or difficulty attributed to things that sticks or off of things, is the same mind that draws us samsara. If you do not get rid of this mind, liberation is not possible.

Kao Tsung.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Woman Doctor Check His Penies

Robert Garfias: Music in cultural context

From 17 to 20 January we had a seminar on "Music in its Cultural Context", by Professor Robert Garfias. For four days the prof. Garfias led us to an entertaining journey through the music of Latin America, the Middle East and Asia. The first day set the foundation for her approach, which attempts to relate the social structures of musical practices. Considers that it is possible to draw a connection between music and economic organization in hunter-gatherers, horticulturalists, farmers and industrial. We talked about different types of melody, from the simplest to the melody melody heterophonic, in which everyone sings an arrangement by staff of the same melody and polyphony, and we presented several examples from around the world. From their point of view of music is closely related to language and the notions of cooperation and individuality present in each society.

The second day we talked about music in Latin America and how the settlers and American countries where English is spoken today and Portuguese have taken instruments from Europe, Asia and Africa para componer y tocar música en formas nuevas: melodías de origen netamente indígena se tocan y se cantan con instrumentos netamente europeos, y melodías europeas se tocan y cantan en formas diferentes de las originales, también con instrumentos diversos de los originales.  Por ejemplo, el pito y el tambor fueron adoptados rápidamente en las culturas aborígenes, pero no para tocar las melodías de los vigías de las ciudades de Europa y del Medio Oriente, sino para tocar melodías y ritmos indígenas primero, y luego mezclas de ritmos indígenas y melodías europeas, o visceversa.  La guitarra y el harpa vinieron con la conquista europea de América y enseguida encontraron un hogar in cultures of the New Continent. Other instruments were also well received and re-adapted on American soil. In particular, he emphasized the tradition of the marimba in Central America. The marimba, originally an African instrument, is used today to play many types of music, and developed in various ways other than its original African form. The third day

Garfias Professor told us about the music in the Middle East. Proposed that the Arab influence is omnipresent in the music 'Western' today, particularly in the United States. According to Garfield, the band war had its origins in Arab countries, and went on to be adopted in Europe, following many of the Arab conventions, including the staff that the leader of the orchestra used to mark time. The baton dial Arabic rhythm gave way to the European staff, very similar, and later to the baton to conduct symphony orchestras, as well as the rods used by cheerleaders at sports games in the United States and African countries .

The fourth day brought us to different kinds of music of Asia and Eurasia, which is very different among different ethnic groups interpret. Once again, we showed the close relationship that music 'Western' saved with instruments and original melodic forms of Asian origin. He finished his seminary with sounds and images of Japan, where he has conducted much of his ethnomusicological work.

was a pleasure to musicians in town came to this seminar. It was interesting to me that some of these musicians knew the career of Professor Garfias, and were surprised that the Department of Anthropology has been able to offer a seminar from one so eminent. Masters Series in Anthropology, in fact, has brought to our School a leading international figures in anthropology, and we hope to do even in the future. We thank Dr. Garfias their willingness to come and share with us their knowledge Vastis music in the world. Thanks also to musicians and students and participating in this seminar.